Monday, June 14, 2010

The Power Triangle

On the Sociopathic Style website (sounds like a fun website doesn't it?) it talks about The Power Triangle. The triangle has the components: The Victim, The Rescuer, and The Villain. The relationship is in balance as long as The Victim is powerless and needs The Rescuer. 

Once The Victim stops being a victim, The Rescuer is not needed anymore. This is where the Rescuer becomes The Villain. The once rescuer starts to now shame, diminish, and blame The Victim for The Rescuer's woes. In other words, The Rescuer now perceives The Victim as The Villain and him/her as The Victim now. 

What's interesting is if you substitute Big Gov't politicians (Progressives) for The Rescuer the have a similar situation. Progressives try to convince the voters they cannot live without Big Gov't. For those voters who believe this are The Victims. All the rest who don't believe this are turned into villains. Independence is the enemy of the Progressives.

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