Wednesday, July 15, 2015

'Mini ice age' coming in next fifteen years

From (July 12):

There will be a "mini ice age" in 2030, solar scientists have said.

We are now able to predict solar cycles with far greater accuracy than ever before thanks to a new model which shows irregularities in the sun’s 11-year heartbeat.

The model shows that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent between 2030 and 2040 causing a "mini ice age".

The conditions predicted have not been experienced since the last "mini ice age" which lasted from 1645 to 1715, called the Maunder Minimum. [read more]

What happened to global warming or its new name ‘climate change?’ Oh, that’s right. It’s a hoax. I mean if climate change computer models never use the sun as a factor to calculate global temperature something is not right. I mean the sun is the main factor in the equation! Or it should be. Look at the dwarf (shouldn’t that be little person?) planet Pluto. Since it is farthest from the sun it can be as cold as -387 degrees Fahrenheit. The warmest it can be is -369 degrees Fahrenheit when it’s closest to the sun. Oh by the way, Pluto has methane (a green-house gas) in its atmosphere. Someone tell Al Gore so he can lecture the Plutonians about creating Plutonian-made climate change.

So, a ten year range is now considered ‘mini?’ That’s seems more like major or semi-major to me. And the Left will still find a way to blame people using too much green-house gases for the ice age.

I always thought the sun has a role in any global climate. It just makes sense.

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