Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Myths of Big Business

  1. MYTH: Big business is bad, small business is good. TRUTH: Every big business began life as a small business, and every small business today yearns for enough success to become a big business tomorrow. For some products like cars or electrical power, little companies can't benefit their workers or customers as reliably as huge corporations.
  2. MYTH: Business executives are overpaid and corrupt. TRUTH: Top leaders will always command top dollar, and a company can't limit executive pay without limiting its access to talent. Ferocious, long-term competition in the corporate world ultimately rewards focus and hard work, not short cuts and corruption.
  3. MYTH: You can count on better treatment from the government than from business. TRUTH: If a private company deals with you poorly, you can take your business elsewhere.
  4. MYTH: When the rich get richer the poor get poorer.
  5. MYTH: The current downturn means the death.

Source: The 5 Big Lies About American Business: Combating Smears Against the Free-Market Economy (2009) by Michael Medved.

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