Thursday, March 26, 2020

Revolution as a Mental Disease

From American (Nov. 26):

People are gradually getting used to living in an inverted world.  For the first time in our history, the upcoming elections are not about a better standard of living or more freedom.  They are about secular pietism, a collective devotion to an apparently noble cause, which leads to less affluence and freedom.

Illegal immigration has a negative impact on the labor market, especially low-income Americans, by keeping wages down.  Nevertheless, half of our fellow citizens believe that any action taken against illegals is tantamount to sending them to concentration camps.  Medicare for all would lead to long waiting times, with the problem being compound by the coverage provided to an undetermined number of illegals.  In a country where 85% of people have access to quality health care, this would represent a major downgrade.  Socialism is another major electoral theme, and rejecting it in an affluent society would normally be a matter of common sense.  However, part of the secular pietist mission is to fight inequality, even if that leads to worse living conditions for the majority, provided that the object of their envy is also harmed.

Young people are attracted to socialism not because of poverty or some knowledge derived from the Marxist theory, but simply because they see it as an antithesis to the existing system.  Finally, the esoteric doctrine of climate change", based on completely unquantifiable assertions, provides the political tool required to take over the key energy sector that enables control of the entire economy.

With common sense gone out the window, we have started our journey down the rabbit hole. In the absence of transcendence, the only morality that matters originates from the people holding power.  They determine what is good or evil, and ultimately, by controlling people's minds, they control reality.  In the virtual reality of psychological warfare and propaganda, nothing is self-evident.  Living in a parallel, ideological reality is a form of mental disease.  In this inverted world, socialism is good, and "hate" is associated with any diverging opinions.  The historical core of our civilization is gradually being replaced by an ideological narrative. [read more]
Other articles on socialism:

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