Thursday, August 15, 2024

Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List

From Sharyl (July 14):

161. Sat. July 13, 2024

In the immediate aftermath of Donald Trump getting shot at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, numerous left-leaning news organizations posted headlines that obviously did not match what had clearly been observed and recorded on video. The headlines seemed designed to make Trump seem weak or minimize the seriousness of the event.

For example, CNN claimed Trump was rushed off the stage after he “fell.” At no point did it reasonably appear as though Trump had “fallen.”

Although it was immediately clear there may have been shots fired, some outlets chose to skip mentioning the possibility and instead implied that Trump had reacted to scary, loud pops or noises.

The Washington Post and AP claimed Trump had been escorted away after “loud noises.”

And a grammatically incorrect headline from left-leaning USA Today stated that “loud noises startles [sic] former president.”

While it’s difficult to know what’s occurring during a breaking news event, the reports of gunfire were immediate, and Trump was seen immediately grabbing his ear and with blood on it. Reasonable headlines stated that there were reports of gunshots that had yet to be definitively verified.

160. Aug. 15, 2017

This is another belated add. On Aug. 15, 2017, at a news conference, President Trump gave an initial response to protests in Charlottesville, Va. The media falsely reported that Trump referred to Nazis and white supremacists as “very fine people.”

In fact, Trump explicitly, repeatedly condemned any white supremacists. He stated, for example, “we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.”

Trump also stated, “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee.” And Trump added, “you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.

Trump was condemning Nazis and white supremacists, and made the explicit distinction that not everyone who was protesting fell into that category.

159. April 3, 2020

This is a belated add because it was an oversight when it originally happened. Multiple media outlets claimed President Trump told people to “drink” or “inject” bleach.

Trump never said this. The fabrications were spread after Trump alluded to research and studies on bleach-like disinfectant to treat Covid.

Indeed, in December of 2021, one such study compared two bleach-like disinfectants and concluded that  “Chlorine dioxide is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite.”

According to published information, “Chlorine dioxide is a gas used in very small quantities to disinfect water…Chlorine dioxide kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Very small amounts are used in public water treatment facilities.”

158. Oct. 5, 2023

Citing anonymous sources, ABC, The New York Times, CBS, and other media report Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with a foreigner from Australia after Trump was president. Trump called the story “false and ridiculous and “almost all of Australia’s living former prime ministers have denied receiving top-secret information.” CBS later reported, “Sources tell CBS News there is no indication former President Trump shared sensitive records with an Australian billionaire + no charges have been filed by the Special Counsel through their alleged discussion about US Nuclear subs was investigated.”

157.  March 17, 2022

The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and many others falsely reported that the Hunter Biden laptop scandal story was “unsubstantiated” and/or “Russian disinformation.” In September, 2021, the New York Times quietly deleted its false “unsubstantiated” claim. In March 2022, the newspaper acknowledged that the FBI did have a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, which contained scandalous material and possible alleged evidence of criminal activity.

Along with the false reporting by the Times and others, social media giants censored the story, incorrectly calling it “false” and “disinformation.” Polling later revealed that a large number of Biden voters would not have voted for Biden in 2020 if they had known about the censored Hunter Biden laptop story.

156. June 9, 2021

The Inspector General found that, contrary to false media reports by NPR and others, and implications by NBC and others, the Secret Service did not clear Lafayette Park in May of 2020 for the purposes of allowing Trump to have a photo op posing with a Bible. The crowd was cleared for a contractor to install a fence and because protesters were breaking the law.

155. June 2, 2021

The Washington Post joins a cacophony of other media in finally correcting their reporting that falsely claimed, early and often, that the Covid-19 “lab theory” was a “debunked” “conspiracy theory.”

154.  April 27, 2021

A New York Times report one year ago this week was wildly incorrect in projecting the first Covid-19 vaccine would not be ready until November of 2033.

They were only off a little bit: instead of taking more than 13 years, it took about seven months. The Times also said if a SARS vaccine were able to be “repurposed” that could be ready as early as “late 2021.”

Also, nearly every expert quoted in the Times article was also far off the mark, including vaccine industry propagandist Peter Hotez, who discussed a fast-tracked 18-month time frame. [read more]

The drive-by-media will do anything to make President Trump look bad even after he got shot at. That’s sad.

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