Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Anti-Trump Legal Pundits Meet for Private Weekly Call: Report

From Newsmax.com (Apr. 26):

A group of anti-Donald Trump legal analysts from cable television outlets meet every Friday on a weekly Zoom call to discuss the former president's legal problems, Politico is reporting.

The meetings are hosted by Norman Eisen, a senior Obama administration official and CNN legal pundit, who was a key member of the legal team put together by House Democrats to handle Trump's first impeachment, according to Politico.

Regularly attending the meetings are longtime conservative commentator Bill Kristol, liberal constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe, John Dean, who served as White House counsel under Richard Nixon, and conservative lawyer and co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project George Conway, the news outlet noted.

Also joining the calls are Andrew Weissmann, a longtime federal prosecutor who served as one of the senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation and is now a legal analyst for MSNBC and CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who once was caught exposing himself during a meeting with colleagues from The New Yorker.

Others who occasionally join the legal pundits' calls include CNN commentator Elliot Williams, a former federal prosecutor, as well as Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin and other recognizable names in politics, law, and media.

The New York Post referred to meeting attendees as "a cable cabal of anti-Trump legal pundits."

A legal commentator who does not participate in the meetings told Politico, "It runs the risk of creating the impression that there is an agreement or cooperation or conspiracy across mainstream media entities, and that could feed into some false and damaging perceptions, particularly on the right."

"It feels almost like a seminar in law school," said another participant in the group. Most calls comprise "deliberation, debate, and discussion," albeit "with a distinct anti-Trump tilt to it."

The meetings have been held since 2022, Politico reported. They have included a briefing by the Jan. 6 House Committee staffers as the panel was working on its investigation of the attack on the Capitol building. [source]

Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Then again it could just be a secret (?) club (cabal?) of Trump deranged people.

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