Thursday, May 26, 2022

The DOJ Just Confirmed Authenticity of Ashley Biden’s Diary by Raiding Project Veritas and We Have Questions

From Conservative (Nov. 5, 2021):

There are a dozen questions that instantly come to mind when reading the report that Project Veritas employees, both current and former, had their homes raided and some belongings taken by the FBI this morning. They were reportedly seeking information about Ashley Biden’s diary. The daughter of Joe Biden appears to have spilled some pretty damning information about her father in it. More on that shortly.

First, the news report from Washington Times:

The founder of Project Veritas said Friday that the FBI raided the homes of its employees as part of what “appears” to be an investigation into whether the company stole a diary belonging to President Biden’s daughter.

James O’Keefe, CEO and founder of the activist group, said he “awoke to the news that apartments and homes of Project Veritas journalists, or former journalists, had been raided by FBI agents.”

“The FBI took materials of current, and former, Veritas journalists despite the fact that our legal team previously contacted the Department of Justice and voluntarily conveyed unassailable facts that demonstrate Project Veritas’ lack of involvement in criminal activity and/or criminal intent,” he said.

The Washington Times has asked the FBI for comment. According to Mr. O’Keefe, tipsters told Project Veritas last year that they had a copy of Ashley Biden’s diary that had “explosive allegations” against then-candidate Joe Biden.

Now, let’s look at the report from National File; Patrick Howley first published the diary a week before the 2020 election:

Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, some that detail the author’s struggle with drug abuse and the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, along with entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation.

While the vast majority of the media ignored the bombshell revelations, perhaps dismissing their verifiability, The New York Times on Friday reported that the FBI had engaged in two raids on addresses as part of an investigation into how Ashley Biden’s diary was obtained.

We have questions.

The first question isn’t really a question but a statement. That diary is real. The FBI wouldn’t be raiding journalists’ homes and bringing on the scrutiny and bad optics that the move entails if the diary was fake. The NY Times seems to have verified it as well, so at this point it’s not even a question.

The second question is the big one. What do we make of the installed President of the United States taking shows with his young daughter? And what about her allegations of sexual abuse? Everyone knows that Joe Biden is the creepiest man in politics, especially when it comes to young children. Did he sexually abuse his own daughter? If Ashley Biden is to be believed (and #MeToo declares we MUST believe her), then our so-called “President” is a sick pedophile who took showers with his daughter.

The third question is rhetorical. Why isn’t mainstream media jumping on the bombshell accusation against Joe Biden from his own daughter? Imagine if it were Trump. He made front page news for months for far more mundane sexual exploits. For Biden, his protectors in mainstream media have not even mentioned the accusation. Their focus is on Project Veritas, their nemesis whose only crime is exposing the truth and revealing that mainstream media does NOT deal in truths.

The fourth question is also rhetorical. If the FBI is involved and they have in their hands a credible accusation of sexual abuse, will they act? Of course they will not. They’re targeting Project Veritas, which means they’re covering up for Biden. It’s his DoJ, so they won’t touch him. They’ll do everything in their power to protect him.

Last question: Why is the DoJ doing this now? Project Veritas is a big prize for them but this doesn’t seem like the type of story that could shut them down. Even if mainstream media covers it up, which they will, there will still be a whole lot more people who are aware of Ashley Biden’s accusations than before. Could this be an opening volley in a plot to get Biden to step down? I know, it’s a stretch, but I see no upside for the Biden regime going after the diary now since the contents were previously published and already forgotten by most.

There are few things more disgusting than a corrupt federal law enforcement system that is running cover for their boss. But one of those things that IS more disgusting is what Joe Biden is accused of doing. [source]

The Demented One smells young girls’ hair. Why not taking showers with his daughter. That’s pretty close to what a pedophile is.

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