Monday, July 15, 2024

Here Are The 20 Biggest Whoppers Biden Told During His Debate With Trump

From The (June 28):

President Joe Biden isn’t known for telling the truth. So, it came as no surprise when the Delaware Democrat got up on stage to tell some pretty tall tales during Thursday’s debate with former President Donald Trump.

From the crisis he created at the U.S.-Mexico border to manufactured hoaxes about his opponent, there was almost no subject Biden didn’t lie about. Here are the 20 biggest whoppers he told during Thursday night’s matchup with the Orange Man.

1. Border Patrol Endorsement

Biden claimed he was endorsed by America’s Border Patrol union. That is not true. In fact, the Border Patrol Union issued a real-time fact-check Thursday night stating: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

2. Trump Bleach Lie

Biden claimed Trump told people infected with Covid to inject themselves with “bleach.” Trump did not tell people to do that.

3. Illegal Border Crossings

Biden claimed “there [are] 40 percent fewer people coming across the border illegally” under his presidency than Trump’s. That isn’t true, as illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to record highs under Biden’s presidency.

4. Military Deaths

Biden claimed he’s the “only president this … decade” who “doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world” under his presidency. That is false. Thirteen service members were killed during Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

5. Inflation

Biden claimed inflation was at 9 percent when he came into office. That statistic is false. The inflation rate when Trump left office was 1.4 percent. [read more]

As a reminder to how much Crooked Joe lies. He says he "knows how to tell the truth." Well, I don't think Briben would know the truth if he tripped over it.

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