Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Biden administration has launched its war on pro-lifers

From The Washington Examiner (Sept. 26, 2022):

The FBI on Friday morning arrested a pro-life activist at his home for a 2021 scuffle with a Planned Parenthood activist.

The family and friends of Mark Houck said the scuffle involved an abortion activist harassing and screaming at Houck’s 12-year-old son until Houck shoved the man to the ground. In response, Houck’s family and friends have told reporters, the FBI this weekend sent a platoon of agents with weapons drawn to arrest Houck at his house.

Even if you take only the FBI’s version of the tale, the Biden administration assembled a grand jury, secured an indictment, and charged a man with a federal crime possibly carrying an 11-year sentence because he shoved another man who received “injuries … that required medical attention.” Because there is an extraordinary federal law protecting abortionists from protesters, sidewalk counselors, and rosary prayers, Houck is now charged with a federal felony.

This only makes sense in a political context. Specifically, the Biden White House and the Democratic Party on the state and federal levels have declared a legal war on pro-lifers, while vigilante abortion defenders wage a parallel war of arson, vandalism, and harassment.

“I met with many of you in my office at the White House,” Vice President Kamala Harris told Democratic state attorneys general at a conference on Thursday. “And we discussed the innovative strategies that you have used to defend women’s reproductive freedom.”

What are those “innovative strategies?” They seem to include the persecution of abortionists’ competition. The very first example Harris gave was: “You are taking on, rightly, the crisis pregnancy centers.”

The vice president, who has said she approaches abortion policy like “a prosecutor,” is siccing state attorneys general on the nonprofit organizations that serve mothers in crisis pregnancies because those nonprofit organizations don’t abort the babies that come through their doors. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has said she wants crisis pregnancy centers “shut down.

That was the same day a crisis pregnancy center outside of Detroit was attacked for the second time, with death threats spray-painted. More than 70 such attacks have happened in the past few months, and the Biden administration has said and done nothing about it. It’s as if they’re fine with the threats, arson, and vandalism.

But a sidewalk scuffle brings in the full force of the FBI on one of the two men involved?

It sure looks like part of the Biden administration’s defense of abortion is to outlaw pro-life activity. [source]

Yea, the FBI shouldn’t have been involved. This scuffle is a matter for the local police not the FBI. Definitely abuse of power by the Briben regime.

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