Monday, July 23, 2007

Dog Gives Birth To a Kitten

From, a dog in China has given birth to a kitten. Well, not really. Actually, the kitten really is a puppy but because of mutations (the article says a gene mutation--but I think it is more than one gene mutating to produce that phenotype--just speculation on my part) it looks like a kitten. Looking at the puppy in the photograph above I can see why the family thought the puppy was a kitten at first glance. But if you look close at the photograph the "kitten" has no whiskers.

That cat-like puppy is really going to confuse some cats and probably other dogs--especially when it starts barking. If that puppy is a female (the article does not state what gender the puppy is) it might want to stay away from male cats that are in heat. It might even have trouble associating with other dogs.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Universal Health Care: A Bad Idea

The Left especially those lean toward the Socialistic side, believe that the American health care system is not working right because it is not perfect--ie an utopia. Any system man creates will always be imperfect, because man is imperfect himself. Just ask any engineer or software programmer about imperfect systems. Utopia is a myth. What the far left wants to do is make a system that is say 80% perfect and make it 40% perfect, by having the gov't run it. Like it runs the Veteran's Hospital so well.

When you have universal health care this is what will happen. First, your taxes will sky rocket. Contrary to belief, universal health care is not free. Somebody's got to pay for wages for doctors and nurses and pay for medical supplies, and it is the taxpayer who will pick up the cost. Not to mention bureaucrats who have to manage the health care system--they have to be paid too. Second, you have to wait in long lines for any health care service. How long? Try months. According to Canada's gov't health care web site, it says the waiting time for an MRI is in months. And US citizens complain about waiting for hours to see a doctor. Also, the web site says there is one primary health care doctor for every 1000 Canadians. This low doctor-patient ratio is because doctors are not being paid well. So, what can happen is that some doctors set up private clinics and charge what they want to charge. Technically, the gov't is not supposed to allow this to happen but it does happen. Consequently, wealthy Canadians go to the private clinics and don't have to wait so long. If universal health care is the perfect solution, then why is there any private clinics existing at all? I mean you would think that the wealthy would use the same system if it is any good. Wouldn't they? Instead they go to private clinics in Canada or go to private clinics in America. Also, it seems the Canadian system is not too comprehensive. Canadian citizens can buy private health insurance to supplement the national health care they get. Canada does not cover things like dental services, optometrists, and prescription medications. This private insurance is offered by companies for their employees. One other thing about Canada's health care system is that you have to have a health card to use the system. This card contains an identification number (sounds like America's social security card), which is used to access a person's medical information. I wonder what that medical info is--but I can take a guess. If the card is used to access the medical information where is the information stored? That's right, in gov't databases. Something that the privacy advocates might want to ponder.

If America adopts a national health care system one thing is almost certain to happen, that the powers to be won't be part of it or they will make it so they get a different version of it. You think Congress is going to wait months in line for health care? They'll probably put in a provision that they go will to the front of the line automatically. Or they will be the ones who be going to private clinics like the wealthy can do in Canada. Social Security is a good example. For a long time Congress did not have to pay a social security tax. They do now, but their social security system is not exactly like the one the voters have to contribute too. Always remember that those in power always satisfy their needs first, then the rest of population's needs second. And the powerful can always exempt themselves and the people they favor from their own laws they pass because they can. That is the nature of the game.

If America's health care system needs to be fixed or improved this is what can be done. Encourage more competition in the system. More doctors, more insurance companies, more pharmaceutical companies, etc. Competition increases choice and brings down prices. Here's a thought: Just like gov't is not responsible for your health insurance, neither should your employer be responsible for supplying it. You and you alone are responsible for getting your health insurance. If you own it yourself, you can transfer it to any business you work for. It's yours not the business. Portability issued solved. Actually, that is the way it was before WWII.

If you say gov't is responsible for health insurance, then why not life insurance, home insurance, pay your electricity bill, or even pay your food bill? I mean aren't these life issues important too? Just have gov't take care of all your basic needs. They could even hire crossing guards for adults--don't want people getting run over by automobiles. Or have human eating monitors that make sure you don't eat too fast--don't want people choking to death. That is exactly what the Far Left really wants in the end I believe. A nanny state.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The 20/20 Stossel-Moore Interview

When John Stossel on 20/20 said that gov't is force when it tries to monopolize the health care industry, Michael Moore's response was that no it isn't because as he put it "the government is of, by, and for the people." I know the U.S. Constitution alludes to that statement, but I don't think universal health care is what the founding fathers was talking about. I agree with John Stossel that gov't is force. Do you really have choice when you pay taxes? You certainly don't have a choice about paying into the social security system or not. Both systems are not voluntary. If the Congress is truly like the American public then how can they take a month off with pay? Do you know any businesses where the employees can vote for their wages to go up or not like the Congress? A business would not survive long if it did that. The Congress never votes for a pay cut. Think about that next time when Congress tells you have to sacrifice and votes down any tax cuts.

John Stossel should have asked Michael Moore what if the gov't told him he could not be above a certain weight limit for his height, or the gov't fined him if he ate food that had so much saturated fat or sugar in it. Think it can't happen? London England is thinking about instituting a fat tax. No joke. Keep in mind Great Britain has a universal health care system. People in Great Britain already pay a 17.5 percent surcharge on candy, ice cream and other snacks and drinks. In the article it says the tax could save 3,000 lives a year.Well, so exercising can probably save lives too. Is the gov't going to mandate exercising too? Gov't regulation is fine when it happens to someone else but when it happens to you--it's a different story. Politics is always personal.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Earth Much Warmer in the Past

Yes, you read that right. The earth was much warmer in the past (hundreds of thousands of years ago) than generally believed. According to Science Magazine, scientists found the oldest plant DNA inside a glacier on Greenland. The glacier was estimated to date to 450,000 to 900,000 years ago.

What is most interesting in the article is that during the last period between ice ages, 116,000-130,000 years ago, when temperatures were on the average 9o F higher than now, the glaciers on Greenland did not completely melt away. Hmmm. How could the earth be warmer than now? There wasn't anyone driving hydro-carbon cars. So, what caused the warm up? (Maybe it had something to do with the sun. Just a thought.) And yet the glaciers were still there.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 7

  • Never read a book you cannot lift.
  • I don't think gov't should endorse any new technology or research over any other because this is not fair to other technologies competing against that technology. Also, this will hurt the consumer in the long run by restricting choice. Let the free market decide what technology will survive.
  • The main function of prisons is to keep the criminal element away from the law abiding citizens. If prisons rehabilitate criminals or deters crime that is fine, but that should not be the primary function of prisons.
  • If you believe intelligence on other planets exist (I myself am agnostic about this) then you have to give the benefit of the doubt to the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot. After all they just like extra-intelligence life have not been conclusively proven either way.
  • The soul does not need to evolve because it is immortal. Only mortal life-forms need to evolve to survive.
  • Gov't agencies (other than law enforcement and national security agencies) and gov't programs when they are created by Congress should have expiration dates like say three years. When their expiration date comes then they should be reviewed by Congress to see if they are needed anymore. Otherwise they are a waste of taxpayer's money.
  • Unprovable theory is just philosophy.
  • Ignorance is the mother of conspiracy theories.
  • Nocturnal dreams are created because the brain always has to be working. Even in sensory deprivation chambers people hallucinated.
  • In the end, either we will know that consciousness survives death or we will never know. If the mind or consciousness stops existing after physical death, then it cannot ultimately prove life after death. It's either all or nothing. I believe that the consciousness survives death.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Birthday America!

You are 231 years old! Here are a collection of links about the 4th:

God bless this great country!