Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Class War in the Time of Robin Hood

From FEE.org (June 16):

Only those who are particularly wary of an apparently left-wing message in the legend take exception. Socialists, of course, make the most of Robin Hood as a hero of the underclass and a medieval precursor to modern Marxist class theory.

Because Robin Hood is a centuries-old folk hero and not a historical figure, each generation has been able to reinterpret the legend to fit its agenda. It was only in the nineteenth century, for example, that Robin Hood amended his modus operandi to include giving to the poor. But if we look to the era in which his legend first "became genuinely popular," according to historian Simon Schama, we’ll see that the classes in conflict don’t neatly fit the Marxist theory. They do, however, fit the older, now mostly forgotten libertarian class theory of French and American classical liberals.

The Black Death reached English shores in 1348, killing almost half the population by 1350. The survivors were, of course, devastated. Not only had they lost their friends and families; they lost any sense of order in the world. The Middle Ages were marked by a belief in permanence and predictability. For the commoners who made up more than 90 percent of the English population, the details of one’s life would have resembled those of one’s grandparents and could be expected to be the same for one’s grandchildren. Then everything changed.

The population became drastically smaller—especially among working people—but there was just as much gold, as many acres of farmland, and as many buildings and other artifacts of pre-plague England. There was, in short, the same amount of wealth in pre- and post-plague England, and only half as many people to possess it.

With fewer peasants to till the soil, landlords had to compete to attract the surviving labor. After many generations on the same few acres of land, healthy field workers were suddenly uprooting and moving to wherever they found the best opportunity. Market forces made the lives of working people immeasurably better—and the nobles who lost the bidding wars for their services didn't like it.

As happens in every era of dramatic change, the economic has-beens appealed to the coercive power of the State to return conditions to a comfortable status quo ante.

The Statute of Labourers (1351) made it illegal for peasants to accept wages that were higher than pre-plague levels. Meanwhile, food prices skyrocketed, as we should expect from a doubling of the supply of money relative to food supply.

The poor, forced to endure hunger and shortages, could see ever more clearly that the source of their suffering was not just bad weather or pestilence; it was a political class growing rich from peasant labor. [read more]

And so the producers or if you wish the Common Class revolted. What? You meant the peasants revolted right? Well, not exactly. Yes, there was some peasants revolting but it was mainly merchants and lawyers. They also got screwed by the statute.

The Left will read the above and say, See the Rich oppressed the Poor like always. It was the Ruling Class (the landlords) who made it hard on the peasants by putting pressure on the State to make the Statute. Crony capitalism anyone? Yea, even back then. Before capitalism was even a word. The State had the choice not make the maximum wage law. So, basically all the people revolting or protesting back then were an early form of TEA partiers.

One other thing. Robin Hood robbed from the corrupt oppressive government not from rich. This is another fact the Marxists have twisted to suit their needs.

Monday, June 16, 2014

7 Articles of Impeachment to Take Obama Down

From Godfather Politics.com (June 13):

Barack Obama has committed numerous crimes since assuming the presidency. Many of them have been high crimes, felonies and a number of them of been misdemeanors. In all likelihood, one could make a list of several dozen crimes that would be worthy of his impeachment, but what ones would be best to topple the Traitor-in-Chief?

Andrew C. McCarthy has laid out what he believes are the 7 crimes most worthy of Obama’s impeachment and removal from office. McCarthy is a former Assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. He is the man who prosecuted Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He also contributed to the prosecution of the terrorists who bombed the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

McCarthy has released a new book, Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment, in which he spells out what those seven crimes worthy of impeachment are. In his interview below with WND Radio, McCarthy discusses his articles of impeachment which are:

  1. “The President’s Willful Refusal to Execute the Laws Faithfully and Usurpation of the Legislative Authority of Congress”
  2. “Usurping the Constitutional Authority and Prerogatives of Congress”
  3. “Dereliction of duty as Commander-in-Chief”
  4. “Fraud perpetrated against the American people”
  5. “Obama’s illegal immigration policies”
  6. “Justice Department’s alleged failure to execute the laws faithfully”
  7. “Undermining the constitutional rights of the American people”

[read more]

Yea, McCarthy presents a pretty good case. But will Congress act? Probably not. As for the 7th article, the whole Obama administration is a fraud.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

A Teacher Reveals Why He Helped Write Common Core

From The Blaze.com (May 22):

A teacher who claims he helped write the controversial Common Core State Standards informed a stunned audience at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics on Monday night that he decided to get involved because he is a “white male” who has been “given a lot of privilege that I didn’t earn.”

Dr. David Pook, identified as a professor at Granite State College and chair of the history department at the Derryfield School in Manchester, New Hampshire, had just been introduced at the event when he delved into his ties to Common Core.

“The reason why I helped write the standards and the reason why I am here today is that as a white male in society I am given a lot of privilege that I didn’t earn,” he said.

In new video flagged by Campus Reform, the audience can be heard gasping and laughing, seemingly surprised by the comment. [read more]

This is another example of a Leftist espousing the “white privilege” mantra. I think this is the newest fad among the Left. Author Shelby Steele calls this “white guilt.” Which I think is more apt.

The professor says that all kids “equal opportunity to learn how to read” . True, but when the Left gets involved there is hardly any opportunity. The students just become more confused and more bored.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

GOP Senate Victory Is Key

From Dick Morris.com (May 27):

Why, some Republicans are asking, should the GOP focus on winning the Senate this year? What will it achieve as long as Barack Obama is still president? We won't get 67 votes to override his vetoes, or even 60 votes to overcome filibusters. Why bother?

There are a number of strong reasons why winning the Senate is worth working for.

  • If Republicans control the Senate, they can block the confirmation of judges who will allow Obama's power overreach.
  • The president does not have a line-item veto, so control of both Houses could empower Republicans to put in budget lines that restrict Obama's favorite programs.
  • Republicans would also be able to stop obnoxious treaties from being ratified.

[read more]

The key here is that the republicans have to be conservative. They can back down on any of those points. It would be nice if they could repeal the Unaffordable No-Care Act aka Obamacare instead of just weakening it, but I’ll take what I can get. But that would require a president, preferably a conservative republican president, that wouldn’t veto the repeal.

The obnoxious treaties Dick Morris is talking about are Arms Trade Treaty and the Law of the Sea treaty which both restrict America’s liberty.

Monday, June 02, 2014

A 5th Grade Teacher Comments on Common Core

The following are excerpts from a Blaze.com interview (May 22) done with Brad McQueen, a 5th grade teacher from Arizona who after working on the development/review of rubrics and questions on the PARCC/Common Core test grew disgusted with what he was seeing and decided to speak out about it, ultimately self-publishing a book titled “The Cult of Common Core.” Below are his comments:

Working on the CCore test was a very different experience and had 50 more shades of bureaucracy. My Common Core handlers weren’t interested in my questions about where the standards came from, who wrote them, who wrote the test questions, etc. If they did attempt an answer they usually parroted the phrase “Teachers were involved.” Something didn’t feel right.

My turning point came when in answer to questions I had about a student writing sample, my Common Core handler blurted out, “We don’t ever care what the kids’ opinions are. If they write what they think or put forth their opinion then they will fail the test.”

I have always taught my students to think for themselves. They are to study multiple views on a given topic, then take their own position and support it with evidence. “That is the old way of writing,” my Common Core handler sighed. “We want students to repeat the opinions of the ‘experts’ that we expose them to on the test. This is the ‘new’ way of writing with the Common Core.”

After a week of work I was convinced of the correctness of my feelings and my research about the Common Core. During this visit I worked with Pearson and ETS on the questions they created for the test. Again we were just window dressing so that they could check the box that “teachers were involved.”

The Common Core is much bigger than just a set of standards, a test, or a data gathering machine. Like a virus, the Common Core tricks its victims into lowering their guard by pretending to be something it is not. But the Common Core isn’t just a mindless infection of our society; rather it is an intentional takeover of our education delivery system and therefore a takeover of our children’s minds. It is a one-size-fits-all, homogenized, centrally controlled education delivery system steeped in Progressive ideology. It is antithetical to everything that makes our country exceptional. This cult is relentlessly pulling our children under its control, with a seemingly endless supply of money, and uses intimidation to silence its opponents.

The Common Core standards are not more rigorous, they are just different. They supposedly only prescribe what is to be learned in K-12 math, reading, and writing. The Thomas Fordham Institute conducted a study in 2010 that compared the Common Core Standards with each of our country’s state standards. They found that 13 states’ standards were at par or better than the new Common Core standards.

The Common Core group confuses “more rigorous” with “more complicated.” In math they boast about how their standards teach less math concepts at each grade level than before, but they teach them deeper. A kid can’t just know that 12-9=3, they have to demonstrate their knowledge of this concept by showing it 5 different ways visually. Many of these ridiculous math problems are posted daily online for the world to see by bewildered parents of equally bewildered children.

That sounds like indoctrination than learning. Why does a child need to show five different ways visually for a simple subtraction problem? It doesn’t make sense.

What this is is a war on school children. How’s that for a meme.