Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Zuckerberg Grant Allowed Outsider to Infiltrate Presidential Election in Wisconsin

From The Daily (Mar. 11):

MADISON, Wis.—When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife handed out hundreds of millions of dollars last year for a national safe-voting initiative, the “donation” was heralded as vital support to “protect American elections” and to “bolster democracy during the pandemic.”

But what the grant money really purchased in battleground states such as Wisconsin was infiltration of the November presidential elections by liberal groups and Democratic activists, according to hundreds of pages of emails and other documents obtained by Wisconsin Spotlight.

In the city of Green Bay, which received a total of $1.6 million in grant funding from the Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life, a “grant mentor” who has worked for several Democratic Party candidates, was given access to boxes of absentee ballots before the election.

Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, Wisconsin state leader for the National Vote at Home Institute, in many ways became the de facto city elections chief.

The emails show Green Bay’s highly partisan Mayor Eric Genrich, a Democrat, and his staff usurping City Clerk Kris Teske’s authority and letting the Zuckerberg-funded “grant team” take over—a clear violation of Wisconsin election statutes, say election law experts.

And the liberal groups were improperly insinuating themselves into the election system and coordinating with what became known as the “Wisconsin 5,” the state’s five largest communities that split more than $6 million in Zuckerberg money.

The emails expose the dangers of handing over the administrative keys to private “fair election” groups with a clear political agenda. [read more]

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mexico ‘Worried’ That Biden Is ‘Stoking Illegal Immigration,’ ‘Creating Business For Organized Crime’: Report

From Daily (Mar. 11):

Mexico’s left-wing government is reportedly concerned that Democrat President Joe Biden’s policies are sparking a massive surge in illegal immigration to the U.S. and are providing business for the nation’s violent drug cartels.

Reuters reported this week that, according to government officials and reports, Mexico is “worried the new U.S. administration’s asylum policies are stoking illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime.” Biden’s policies have already significantly impacted the border situation as more than 100,000 migrants were detained last month for illegally trying to enter the U.S., the highest total for the month of February since 2006.

“They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said of Biden. “We need to work together to regulate the flow, because this business can’t be tackled from one day to the next.”

The report said that Mexican intelligence has found that the cartels are “diversifying methods of smuggling and winning clients as they eye U.S. measures that will ‘incentivize migration.'”

Some key takeaways from the report include:

  • U.S. policies that Mexican officials believe are driving the criminal activity include “support for victims of gangs and violence, streamlining of the legalization process, and suspension of Trump-era accords that deported people to Central America.”
  • The Mexican cartels changed their modus operandi “from the day Biden took office” and are now showing “unprecedented” levels of sophistication in their criminal activity, which includes “briefing clients on the latest immigration rules, using technology to outfox authorities, and disguising smuggling operations as travel agencies.” The smugglers communicate with the migrants on numerous social media channels to update them on “impending checkpoints, when freight trains they can jump on pass, where to stay and how to navigate immigration laws.”
  • Those trying to enter the U.S. are now traveling in smaller groups and are taking less traveled routes to avoid detection, routes the report said were even more dangerous than the other ones.
  • The smugglers are telling the migrants to go to their local authorities and make complaints that they have been the victims of crime that way they can apply for asylum in the U.S. and the migrants are being told to bring children so it is easier for them to apply for asylum.
  • To ease their passage, smugglers advise Central American clients to register complaints with authorities saying they have been victims of extortion or, for young men, that they have faced death threats from street gangs, the assessments show.
  • Mexico is also concerned that “there could be a significant influx in migrants from outside the region – the Caribbean, Asia, Africa and the Middle East – as coronavirus-led border restrictions begin easing.”

The Washington Post reported this week that the scale of Biden’s border crisis is so severe that his administration is “holding record numbers of unaccompanied migrant teens and children in detention cells for far longer than legally allowed” and federal health officials have fallen “further behind in their race to find space for them in shelters.” [source]

I don’t think note-card Joe and his regime care if their immigration policy increases crime. All the Dems want are votes. The regime doesn’t even call illegal immigration a “crisis” but call it a “challenge” instead. Biden completing a thought is a challenge.

Other articles on the subject:

Monday, March 29, 2021

7 Takeaways From Senate Hearing on Supreme Court and Dark Money

From The Daily (Mar. 11):

Senators and a witness at a Senate hearing Wednesday afternoon called out three left-leaning dark money groups for decrying the existence of conservative dark money groups.

The term “dark money” generally applies to a political organization that doesn’t disclose its donors.

Leaders of the liberal groups People for the American Way, the Center for Media and Democracy, and Take Back the Court told senators that corporate and dark money is corrupting the Supreme Court, but were vague about how.

None of the three liberal nonprofits discloses all donors, The Washington Free Beacon reported, a stance that makes them dark money organizations.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on federal courts, oversight, agency action, and federal rights, called the hearing.

The three witnesses invited to testify by Whitehouse sharpened their knives primarily on the Federalist Society and the Judicial Crisis Network, two conservative organizations that focus on the federal courts.


Here are seven key highlights of the hearing, titled “What’s Wrong with the Supreme Court: The Big-Money Assault on Our Judiciary.”

1. ‘Swear Off Dark Money?’

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked Lisa Graves, president of the Center for Media and Democracy, if she would reject dark money or disclose all of her group’s donors going forward.

“Will you commit that the Center for Media and Democracy will no longer accept these dark money donations?” Lee asked.

Graves seemed to dodge, referring to how proposed legislation by Democratic lawmakers defines dark money.

“There is a specific definition of dark money,” she said.


2. ‘Special Interest-Controlled Fast Lane’

Whitehouse said the subcommittee’s focus on the Supreme Court was the first in a series of its hearings on dark money.

“Courtrooms ought to be open places where you know who is present, not a place where powerful players can come masked behind front groups, hiding both their own identity and their inner connections,” the Rhode Island Democrat said.

Amicus briefs—or “friend of the court” briefs—are filed by outside parties to help inform the Supreme Court on the law and facts in specific cases.

“The Supreme Court should not be a place that has a special interest-controlled fast lane, bringing certain special interest-chosen cases before the court at high speed without the trappings of a real case or controversy,” Whitehouse said. “The court itself should not tolerate this. But, if it won’t respond, we must.”


3. ‘Friend to the Republican Party’

Republicans have assaulted democracy and voting rights and the Supreme Court is trying to help them, said Michael Klarman, a Harvard Law School professor and board member for Take Back the Court, 

Reciting a long list of cases, Klarman said: “Today’s Supreme Court has shown itself to be no friend to democracy but always a friend to the Republican Party.”

“Dramatic demographic changes together with increased secularization and a growing social liberalism have led Republicans to conclude that their political agenda no longer commands majority support,” Klarman later added. [read more]

The other four takeaways:

  1. ‘Bribe the Chief Justice?’
  2. Left Dominates Dark Money
  3. ‘Contorted’ Religious Freedom Argument
  4. ‘Status Quo Court’

Friday, March 26, 2021

Given How Flawed Human Nature Is, America Has Been a Remarkable Moral Achievement

From Dennis Prager on Right and

Given how flawed human nature is, America has been a remarkable moral achievement.

This is the truism that separates the wise man from the fool.

This is the truism that separates the left from the anti-left.

Those who acknowledge how flawed human nature is compare America to reality. Those who do not, compare America to some utopian image: a country free of inequality, prejudices, intolerance, sexual misbehavior, greed, etc. This divide helps explain why those who hold a biblical worldview — usually religious Jews and Christians — are more likely to appreciate America than those who do not. It is fundamental to Judaism and Christianity that "the will of man's heart is evil from his youth" (Genesis 8:21).

I offer a partial list of bad traits inherent to human nature. When perusing it, one can only marvel at how good a country America became.

No. 1: A yearning for power over others.

This yearning is what has animated nearly every political leader in history. There are people who do not have a personal craving for power and seek positions of power solely because of a calling. But these people are rare.

The American Founders understood this. They created a unique political system to minimize power and to maximize checks on power. That is the reason for the division of power among three coequal branches of government and the reason states were given so much power. Thus, America was established to be a republic, not a pure democracy. In addition, the Founders did not trust the majority with great power, which is the reason for two nondemocratic institutions: the Electoral College and the Senate. And that is why the left, which is rooted in a desire for power — and therefore a desire for evermore powerful government — loathes the Electoral College and the Senate.

No. 2: A yearning for fame and recognition.

This, along with the yearning for power, is what drives and has driven nearly all politicians in world history, but it is hardly isolated to politicians. For example, it is largely what animates Hollywood actors. That is one reason no other profession gives itself as many awards as does Hollywood. Increasingly, however, being a star is also what animates journalists and, to the extent possible, academics and other intellectuals.

No. 3: A yearning to feel and be considered important and morally superior.

This is nearly universal. People — historically men, but increasingly women — ache to believe they are important. There is nothing inherently wrong with this yearning. However, it can lead people to engage in irresponsible, even evil, behavior — solely because it makes them feel important. This explains why the left fights largely nonexistent evils such as "systemic racism," "white supremacy," "white privilege" and "capitalism." Fighting evil, even make-believe evils, makes one feel important and morally superior to those who do not fight these evils. [read more]

America isn’t perfect. Then again neither is any nation for that matter. The Left wants a utopia—but that is a pipe dream—or should I say a delusion.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

8 Senators Propose Extending Daylight Saving Time to Year-Round

From The Daily (Mar. 10):

A bipartisan group of senators has reintroduced the Sunshine Protection Act, which would extend daylight saving time to year-round, rather than keep it at eight months. One of those lawmakers, Sen. Marco Rubio, says the change would “give our nation’s families more stability throughout the year.”

The Florida Republican and seven colleagues from both sides of the aisle are co-sponsors of the measure, which would eliminate the need to reset clocks an hour ahead near the end of winter and back an hour in the fall.

Daylight saving time currently begins at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March—which is March 14 this year—and ends at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in November.

Senate leadership sent the Sunshine Protection Act (S 623), which the lawmakers reintroduced Tuesday, to the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.

Rubio’s co-sponsors are Sens. James Lankford, R-Okla.; Roy Blunt, R-Mo.; Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I.; Ron Wyden, D-Ore.; Cindy Hyde-Smith, R-Miss.; Rick Scott, R-Fla.; and Ed Markey, D-Mass.

The bill previously was introduced in the House on March 6, 2019, but didn’t receive a vote.

The Sunshine Protection Act follows the lead of the Florida Legislature’s 2018 enactment of year-round daylight saving time. A change in federal law is required for the Florida measure to take effect. [read more]

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

House Passes Gun Control Bill With Universal Background Checks

From The Daily (Mar. 11):

The House passed a gun control bill Thursday that requires a universal background check for every purchase of a firearm.

HR 8, titled the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 and led by California Democratic Rep. Mike Thompson and Georgia Democratic Rep. Lucy McBath, passed 227 to 203 with eight Republicans voting in favor. If signed into law, it would mandate background checks whenever somebody purchases a gun, regardless of where he purchases it.

The bill has the wide support of Democrats and gun safety groups, who have argued that universal background checks will help stop guns from coming into the possession of people who should not have them.

“It has been two years since we stood together in the House chamber and voted to pass this common-sense bill,” said Georgia Democratic Rep. Lucy McBath, whose son was shot and killed in 2012. “ … Today, we once again take an historic step to protect our children, to protect our communities, and to save American lives.”

“Joined by Democrats and Republicans, we introduce the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 to help keep guns out of the hands of those who may be a danger to themselves or others,” Thompson said when reintroducing the bill. “Time and time again, we have seen that the American people want universal background checks, in fact public polling shows that the majority of people, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, support this.”

Republicans, however, accosted HR 8 and HR 1446, another bill set to pass Thursday that gives the government 10 days instead of three to complete a background check when purchasing a firearm, as a direct attack on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. [read more]

Another article on gun control: Blowing 4 Factual Holes in the Biden Gun Control Agenda

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Nancy Pelosi calls Republicans 'domestic enemies' and 'enemies of the state' and stuns MSNBC host

From The (Aug. 24):  

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) castigated President Donald Trump and his Republican allies in Congress as "enemies of the state" and "domestic enemies" in a rant on Monday.

Pelosi was speaking to MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin about Russian election interference when she made the divisive comments.

"The Russians were there and they are there now 24-7, trying to interfere in our election. But they're not the only ones. We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, and sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States," Pelosi said.

Mohyeldin responded during her diatribe with a stunned, "Wow!"

"But again, let's just get out there, mobilize, organize, and not let the president deter anybody, uh, from voting, and again support the postal system which is election central," Pelosi continued.

"They're doing everything they can, suppress the vote with your actions, scare people, intimidate by saying law enforcement will be there, uh, diminish the role of the postal system and all of this, it's really actually shameful," she added.

"Enemies of the state," Pelosi repeated.

Pelosi also said during the interview that anyone who voted for the president's re-election was in effect choosing him over the well-being of their children. [read more]

Isn’t she sweet.

Another Pelosi article:

Exclusive — Sen. Tommy Tuberville: ‘Fort Pelosi’ Provides ‘Black SUVs with Secret Service’ to Democratic Congressmen,’ not Republicans

Monday, March 22, 2021

The GameStop Rebels vs. "Too Big to Fail"

From (Feb. 2):

Last week, a large number of small-time investors drove up the price of GameStop’s (GME) stock a historic 1,784 percent. But this was no mere spike in some obscure stock. The stock’s price spiked in part as a result of efforts by “an army of smaller investors who have been rallying on Reddit and elsewhere online to support GameStop's stock and beat back the professionals.” These professionals were hedge fund managers who had shorted GameStop’s stock. In other words, hedge funders were betting billions that GameStop’s stock would go down. But the price went up instead, meaning hedge funds like Melvin Capital (and Citron Research) took “a significant loss,” possibly totaling $70 billion.

There surely were plenty of insiders on both sides of this deal. Given the complexity of various schemes employed by seasoned investors, it seems it is very unlikely that this is just a simple matter of little Davids taking on Wall Street Goliaths. But it also looks like that’s not all that was going on. Had this only been just another scheme by some Wall Street insiders against some other Wall Street insiders the story would probably have ended there.

But that's not what happened. Rather, it appears that, for many of the smaller investors who were involved, much of this “short squeeze” was conducted for the purposes of throwing a monkey wrench in the plans of Wall Street hedge funds which exist within the rarified world of billionaires and their friends.

Pro–Wall Street Fearmongering

The reactions to the event from media pundits and other commentators were telling in that there was clearly fear and outrage over the fact that business as usual on Wall Street wasn't being enforced. Predictably, much of the reaction to the Reddit rebellion was to label it a “fiasco,” “insanity,” and something sure to leave a “trail of destruction.” The important thing was to use words designed to make it all look like the threat to hedge funds represents some sort of grave threat to the overall economy. Jim Lebenthal at CNBC, for example, declared the “short-squeeze fiasco is a threat to the proper functioning of financial markets.”


Decades of "Too Big to Fail"

It's based on the idea that Wall Street is just too important to leave to the market, and Washington must intervene to make sure rich guys on Wall Street stay rich. David Stockman explains this philosophy:

[It is] the notion that the "threat of systemic risk" and a cascading contagion of losses from the failure of any big Wall Street institution would be so calamitous that it warranted an exemption from free market discipline.

This goes back at least to the 1994 Mexican bailout—which was really a bailout of investors, not of Mexico—which solidified the process of normalizing huge transfers of wealth from taxpayers and dollar holders to the Wall Street elite. By then, the "Greenspan put" was already in place, with the central bank forever poised to embrace more easy money in pursuit of propping up stock prices. Then came the bailouts of 2008 and the covid-19 avalanche of easy money—all of which lopsidedly benefited Wall Street over the rest of the economy.

This “exemption from free market discipline” is what Wall Street is all about these days. The financial sector has become accustomed to enjoying bailouts, easy money, and the resulting financialization which puts ever greater amounts of the US economy into the hands of Wall Street money managers. The sector is now built on corporate welfare, not “free markets.” No matter what happens, Wall Street expects the deck to be stacked in its favor. [read more]

Another article on the matter: The GameStop Saga Unravels Stakeholder Theory

Friday, March 19, 2021

Asteroid the size of the Golden Gate Bridge will whiz past Earth in March

From Live (Feb. 10):

An asteroid as wide as the Golden Gate Bridge is long will hurtle past Earth next month. But although it will be the biggest and speediest asteroid to fly by our planet this year, there's no reason to panic.

The space rock, officially called 231937 (2001 FO32), is about 0.5 to 1 mile (0.8 to 1.7 kilometers) in diameter and will come within 1.25 million miles (2 million kilometers) of Earth at 11:03 a.m. EST (1603 GMT) on March 21 — close enough and large enough to be classified as "potentially hazardous," according to a database published by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

An asteroid is designated as "potentially hazardous" when its orbit intersects with Earth's at a distance of no more than about 4.65 million miles (7.5 million km) and it is bigger than about 500 feet (140 meters) in diameter, according to NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS).


No known asteroid poses a significant risk to Earth for the next 100 years. The current biggest known threat is an asteroid called (410777) 2009 FD, which has a 1 in 714 (less than 0.2%) chance of hitting Earth in 2185, according to NASA's PDCO.


If you have a telescope with an aperture of at least 8 inches (20 centimeters), you might be able to spot the fast-moving space rock, according to EarthSky. To catch a glimpse in the southern U.S., point your telescope south-southeast between the constellations of Sagittarius and Corona Australis at 4:45 a.m. EST on March 20.  [read more]

Live Not by Lies

From Break (Oct. 21):

Bari Weiss, who recently resigned in protest from The New York Times, has just published a shocking piece in Tablet, warning of a “danger, this one from the left… one that has attained cultural dominance, capturing America’s elites and our most powerful institutions.”

“I am here to ring the alarm,” writes Weiss. “I’m here to say: Do not be shocked anymore… It’s time to accept reality, if we want to have any hope of fixing it.” Weiss describes a growing and institutionally enforced anti-Semitism, and proceeds to list a series of incidents that she says cannot be accurately understood as isolated, but instead as an essential and insidious component of the new liberalism, a “mixture of postmodernism, postcolonialism, identity politics, neo-Marxism, critical race theory, intersectionality, and the therapeutic mentality.”

Writing from the left, Weiss’ diagnosis is not exactly a Christian one. Yet, what she describes is a powerful cultural undercurrent already felt by Christians such as Jack Phillips and Baronelle Stutzman and will most likely face Christians and Christian institutions in the near future. It’s one thing when our most deeply held beliefs are thought to be wrong and antiquated. It’s another when they are seen as evil, with no place in modern society.

It’s a pessimistic view, to be sure, but we are not powerless.

In his final essay to the Russian people before his exile from his home nation, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn offered a way forward. The essay is titled “Live Not By Lies,” and I am indebted to my friend Rod Dreher for pointing me to this essay in his new book by the same title.

According to Solzhenitsyn, we must, at the very least, commit ourselves to “personal non-participation in lies.”

Though lies may conceal everything, though lies may control everything, we should be obstinate about this one small point: let them be in control but without any help from any of us… It is the easiest thing for us to do and the most destructive for the lies. Because when people renounce lies, it cuts short their existence.

Even if, Solzhenitsyn continued, “we do not march into the squares and shout the truth out loud… let us refuse to say what we do not think…let us each make a choice: whether to remain consciously a servant of falsehood…or to shrug off the lies and become an honest man worthy of respect from one’s children and contemporaries.” [read more]

Good advice. After all it does say in the Bible: “And you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

The Left and its lies:

Thursday, March 18, 2021

No Proof January 6 Was an ‘Armed Insurrection’

From AM (Feb. 19):

Since the Justice Department launched its nationwide manhunt to track down and arrest anyone involved with the Capitol breach on January 6, hundreds of perpetrators have been arrested.

Most face misdemeanor charges for trespassing or disorderly conduct, but dozens are in jail and denied bond for the thoughtcrime of believing the 2020 presidential election wasn’t on the up-and-up. The acting U.S. attorney general overseeing the investigation promises to apprehend hundreds more, however, it’s been two weeks since authorities have arrested anyone in connection to the probe.

Almost as embarrassing as the bad behavior of a handful of Trump supporters that day is the conduct of the national news media and Washington lawmakers. The country has been subjected to a public group therapy session of sorts wherein grown adults—Republicans and Democrats alike, elected to defend the country at all costs—now recount their harrowing experiences on January 6, which include running away from no one in particular or insisting, without evidence, that they were on the verge of being “murdered.”

The media continue to promote any number of fabricated storylines intended to bolster the laughable narrative of an “insurrection” occurring at the Capitol. The concocted account of the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick recently fell apart; the New York Times, after pressure from outlets including American Greatness, effectively retracted its January 8 article claiming Sicknick was killed by a fire extinguisher at the hands of Trump “loyalists.” [read more]

What the crowd did at the Capitol was wrong—and yes illegal. Some of the people trespassed and stole items. But an armed insurrection? (like Antifa and BLM riots) No, that’s wrong.

More articles on the riot:

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Equality Act

From (2021):

On Wednesday March 13, Nancy Pelosi introduced the so-called Equality Act, a bill that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes under federal civil rights law.

Where the original Civil Rights Act of 1964 furthered equality by ensuring that African-Americans had equal access to public accommodations and material goods, the Equality Act would further inequality by penalizing everyday Americans for their beliefs about marriage and biological sex. Similar sexual orientation and gender identity laws at the state and local level have already been used in this way.

Here are 5 groups who would be harmed if the Equality Act becomes law:

Employers and Workers

The Equality Act would force employers and workers to conform to new sexual norms or else lose their businesses and jobs.

This is already happening on the state and local level.

The most high profile example involves Colorado baker Jack Phillips, whose case went all the way to the Supreme Court after the Colorado Civil Rights Commission accused him of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation when he declined to create a custom cake for a same-sex wedding.

He is not the only victim. Other cases involving disagreement over the meaning of marriage feature florists, bakers, photographers, wedding venue owners, videographers, web designers, calligraphers, and public servants.


Medical Professionals

The Equality Act would force hospitals and insurers to provide and pay for these therapies against any moral or medical objections. It would politicize medicine by forcing professionals to act against their best medical judgment and provide transition-affirming therapies.

The fight is already here. Catholic hospitals in California and New Jersey have been sued for declining to perform hysterectomies on otherwise healthy women who want to become male. A third Catholic hospital in Washington settled out of court when the ACLU sued them for declining to perform a double mastectomy on a gender dysphoric sixteen-year-old girl.

These cases would multiply under the Equality Act. This bill would politicize medicine by forcing doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to offer drastic procedures—not in view of new scientific discoveries, but by ideological fiat.

Parents and Children

This politicization of medicine would ultimately harm families by normalizing hormonal and surgical interventions for gender dysphoric children as well as ideological “education” in schools and other public venues.

80 to 95 percent of children with gender dysphoria no longer feel distressed by their bodies after puberty. Yet activists continue to push their own radical protocol: social transition as young as 4, puberty blocking drugs as young as 9, cross-sex hormones as young as 14, and surgery by 18 (or, in some cases, even younger).

This protocol could become mandatory in the future. The latest issue of the American Journal of Bioethics includes an article arguing that the state should overrule the parents of gender dysphoric children who do not consent to giving them puberty-blocking drugs. [read more]

Stupid insane law. Other groups harmed: Women and Non-profits and volunteers. I thought the Left championed women causes and liked non-profits and volunteers. Hmmm. Maybe not.

Other articles on the Equality Act:

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Facts About H.R. 1—the For the People Act of 2021

From (Feb. 21, 2021):

The Issue

H.R. 1 federalizes and micromanages the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process—which is necessary for protecting our liberty and freedom.

The bill interferes with the ability of states and their citizens to determine qualifications for voters, to ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, to secure the integrity of elections, to participate in the political process, and to determine the district boundary lines for electing their representatives.

What H.R. 1 Would Do:
    • Seize the authority of states to regulate voter registration and the voting process by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting.
    • Make it easier to commit fraud and promote chaos at the polls through same-day registration, as election officials would have no time to verify the accuracy of voter registration information and the eligibility of an individual to vote and could not anticipate the number of ballots and precinct workers that would be needed at specific polling locations.
    • Hurt voter turnout through 15 days of mandated early voting by diffusing the intensity of get-out-the-vote efforts; it would raise the cost of campaigns. Voters who vote early don’t have the same information as those who vote on Election Day, missing late-breaking developments that could affect their choices.
    • Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by requiring states to automatically register all individuals (as opposed to “citizens”) from state and federal databases, such as state Departments of Motor Vehicles, corrections and welfare offices, and federal agencies such as the Social Security Administration, the Department of Labor, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the Department of Health and Human Services. This would register large numbers of ineligible voters, including aliens, and cause multiple or duplicate registrations of the same individuals and put federal agencies in charge of determining a person’s domicile for voting purposes (as well as that individual’s taxing state).

[read more]

Should be called “For the DNC Act” since it helps the Dems more than it makes the system better.

More articles on HR 1:

Monday, March 15, 2021

2020's Good News

Commentary From John Stossel on Town (Dec. 30):

Was 2020 the worst year ever? The media keep saying that.

We did have the pandemic, a bitter election, unemployment, riots and a soaring national debt.

But wait, look at the good news, says historian Johan Norberg. His new book, "Open: The Story of Human Progress," points out how life keeps getting better, even if people just don't realize it.

2020 was "the best year in human history to face a pandemic," he says.

Had the pandemic happened in 2005, "You wouldn't have the technology to create mRNA vaccines."

"In 1990," he continues, "we wouldn't have a worldwide web. If we had had this pandemic in 1976, we wouldn't have been able to read the genome of the virus. And ... in 1950, we wouldn't have had a single ventilator."

These last 20 years, adds Norberg, have been especially good. "Mankind has attained more wealth than ever."

I push back: "There's more to life than wealth! And lot of this money went to the top 1%. Ordinary people think they're doing worse."

"If you look at specifics like global poverty, child mortality, chronic undernourishment and illiteracy," Norberg replies, "they all declined faster than ever."

Those things: global poverty, child mortality, undernourishment,and illiteracy are pretty good measures of quality of life. [read more]

The Left is always pessimist.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Turning the Clock Forward

From American (Sept. 30):

This essay suggests ten key areas of change for SCOTUS, each of which could help turn America around. These changes might not contain all that needs to be done to restore the republic, but they would move us far down the path. These categories allow a cohesive, united country to emerge to solve our problems in an innovative process not possible under the current administrative state.

Category I. Taxation.

Legal scholar Richard Epstein argues that the Fifth Amendment – by mandating compensation for property seized for public use -- means that higher tax rates on different people constitute an illegal “taking.” Progressive taxes, therefore, are illegal. The alternative is a flat tax law that could be codified in a couple of hundred pages instead of the current 80,000 pages.  It would be a tremendous stimulus to the economy – perhaps up to a 3% economic growth rate over time.

Category II.  Federal Agencies and Regulations Revoked.

The Education Department could be a test case because education policy falls under state authority. The President could say that the Feds have no authority in education and withhold funding from the Education Department.  If the Supreme Court agrees, this process could be repeated in numerous other cases.  The President could issue an Executive Order defunding dozens of agencies that are not constitutionally authorized, leading to a scaled-back Federal government as initially designed.

Also, SCOTUS can declare Federal government regulations unconstitutional in many cases. Courts can fill in legislative gaps as they did before the rise of the administrative state. These regulatory rollbacks could generate as much as a 2% economic growth rate over time.

Since tens of thousands of state and local entities are tied to federal regulations hand and foot, the decline of the administrative state would free them as well.

Category III. Education.

Education vouchers should prevail throughout schools. This would free education, allowing schools, new and old, to thrive in a competitive environment. [read more]

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Fauci says he altered public scientific estimates based on opinion polls

From Just the (Dec. 28):

Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to admit last week that he has deliberately misled the public regarding the coronavirus — for the second time since the pandemic began.

In a Christmas Eve interview with the New York Times, Fauci acknowledged he had offered a lower estimate of the level of herd immunity necessary to stop the COVID-19 pandemic because he thought Americans would be discouraged by hearing his true thoughts on the issue.

He recently raised his estimate on the herd immunity threshold "partly based on new science," the newspaper reported, "and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks."

Fauci himself told the paper that he had withheld the higher estimates because polling results made him think such estimates would be viewed unfavorably.

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent," he told reporter Donald McNeil. "Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, 'I can nudge this up a bit,' so I went to 80, 85."

Fauci admitted that scientists "really don't know what the real number is," though he himself estimated that the "real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent." [read more]

That doesn’t sound good. What about facts and being truthful as possible? He’s just a media whore.

Other Fauci news:

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Democrats Call On Biden To Relinquish Sole Authority Over Nuclear Strikes

From Daily (Feb. 25):

More than 30 Democratic representatives are calling for President Joe Biden to give up his sole authority to order the launch of nuclear weapons.

The group of Democratic House members, led by Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), signed a letter to addressed to Biden on Monday calling on him to reform the procedure by which the use of a nuclear weapon is approved. The 31 lawmakers suggested several reforms that would include more people in the decision process.

“As president, two of your most critical and solemn duties are the security of the country and the safeguarding of its nuclear arsenal. You alone possess the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons, which assures that nuclear weapons remain under civilian control,” the letter states. “However, vesting one person with this authority entails real risks. Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment.” [read more]

The Dems didn’t think of this problem when they picked China Joe for president? Really? (Don’t tell me you didn’t know about his mental condition! That’s why you picked him—so you could easily control and manipulate him. Look what you got now.) Now America has to suffer because Biden is in power and maybe get us into a nuclear war because you rigged the election against Trump. (Yea, I am questioning the results. You didn’t let any republicans monitor the vote counting for one example.) I remember when Trump was the president the republicans in Congress didn’t worry about him pressing the button. Actually, neither did the dems for that matter other than Pelosi. Go figure.

Now, the house dems are considering having Nancy Pelosi, Commie Harris, and one of Biden’s advisers to be part of a committee to launch nuclear weapons. That’ll work out great. 🙄 Pelosi isn’t totally playing with a full deck either. And having Congress declare war before launching? Well, that’s fine if there isn’t any nuclear missiles coming toward America first. Otherwise bye bye America. If we gets into a nuclear war I am blaming the Left in power. That is if I am still alive to blame. I guess my spirit would blame you then.

An article on the subject: Dems Try To Strip Demented Biden Of Nuclear Button

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Live PCR test in Parliament: Coca Cola tests COVID-19 positive

From Israel Nation (Dec. 12):

Austrian FPÖ Member of Parliament Michael Schnedlitz administered a COVID-19 PCR test to the beverage Coca Cola in the plenum before his colleagues. The popular drink tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus.

He said he was performing the test live before parliament: "so you can see how worthless and misguided these mass tests are."

He continued: "The evidence is overwhelming, starting with the absolutely absurd mass tests that are currently being carried out, which are nothing more than a large-scale redistribution of tens of millions of euros in tax money from the can't go on like this."

Schnedlitz later wrote on his Facebook page: “The coronavirus mass tests are worthless! This was also shown by a simple experiment in parliament, in which cola got a positive result! But this government spends tens of millions in taxpayers' money for precisely these tests."

It is recommended not to drink acidic beverages like cola an hour before this test, which some have suggested could possibly explain how he had the courage to take such a gamble. The liquids that keep the pH value constant in a certain range are called buffers. They say that is exactly what the FPÖ politician avoided. That is why the acids contained in the cola reacted with the antibody that is actually supposed to catch the virus proteins. [read more]

Monday, March 08, 2021

China Stole Data For Years, But Learning How To Read It Is What Changed The Global Spy Game

From Daily (Dec. 22):

Chinese intelligence operators have been stealing data from the United States and other nations for years, but it was learning how to interpret that data that truly changed the global spy game.

The change was first noticed by American intelligence agencies around 2013, when Chinese agents suddenly and effectively began identifying and surveilling U.S. intelligence assets and members of their families as they traveled abroad — sometimes from the time they cleared passport control.

According to a report from, the CIA had developed a strategy for recruiting assets within the Chinese Communist Party and even the military by exploiting the corruption and pay-for-play dynamic that was built into the system. Since promotions and careers were often bought and sold for cash — and officials who did not engage in those corrupt dealings were considered weak – it became standard procedure for the CIA to effectively buy promotions for their own assets as they climbed the ladder.

But between 2010 and 2012, Chinese intelligence officials were made aware of the scope of the U.S.’s  infiltration. Using a flaw in the CIA’s communication networks, China was able to root out the embedded assets and sources, killing dozens and imprisoning more. The flaw China exploited was discovered in Tehran — and it is believed that Iranian officials shared that information with Beijing.

“Our mistakes showed them what their problems were,” a former CIA executive told Foreign Policy. Chinese officials used that information to take a hardline stance on the corruption that had been rampant within the Chinese Communist Party. [read more]

Friday, March 05, 2021

Nostradamus 2021 Predictions


For Nostradamus, the beginning of World War III (WW3)is closely related to the appearance of a UFO in the sky.


Nostradamus predicted that not only humans would speak the same language, but they would be able to communicate with aliens without problems, with the help of a universal translator.

One of Nostradamus’ prophecies tells us that people will live much longer in the future. An 80-year-old will look like he is 50 years old.

The end of the world will take place in the year 2436.

1. Zombie Apocalypse

A Russian scientist will create a biological weapon and produce a virus that can turn humankind into zombies, and we will all be extinct in the near future.


3. A Famine of Biblical Proportions

Nostradamus predicted that the first signs of the end of the world would be famine, earthquakes, different illnesses, and epidemics, which are already happening more frequently. The Coronavirus pandemic from 2020 represents the beginning of a series of unfavorable events, which will affect the world’s population. The famine that lurks is one the world had never faced before. A catastrophe of huge proportions will throw us back in history, and a great part of the world population will not be able to overcome this curse.

4. The Muslims will lead the world

The “camel” is the Arab population that lives all over Europe, especially in France and Germany, or the wave of immigrants that is currently at the door of our continent. Also, the demography experts warn that the Muslims will conquer the EU in the next decades without having to fire a single gun. On the one hand, due to the great number of Muslim immigrants and refugees and, on the other hand, due to Europeans having fewer and fewer children.


6. A Comet will hit the Earth or it will come very close to Terra

An asteroid called 2009 KF1 has chances to hit the Earth on May 6th of 2021, the NASA coming to this conclusion, following analyzes regarding its trajectory.


10. The Third Antichrist will be born in 2021

Nostradamus foretells the birth of the Third Antichrist in 2021. It is not known exactly where it will be born-it was assumed that in Serbia, o, in an Arab state.  He will live in an area with a dominant situation of corruption, political manipulation, violence. Protests, social unrest, social and political overthrows orchestrated by him in colder climate countries will facilitate his access to power.  Religious fanatics and apocalyptic “false prophets” will consider him a religious leader and become his followers. The Antichrist will study Hitler’s actions to prevent his mistakes. Nostradamus also predicts the appearance of a new sect. Nothing says that this is really the sect of the Antichrist, except the number 6-66 of the quatrain.

11. A New Ice Age Will Begin in 2021 – The Earth Will Freeze

Global warming could stop and the planet will enter a mini ice age. The peaks of magnetic activity from 2020-2030 will cancel each other out and thus lead to a reduction in solar activity.  Solar activity will be reduced by up to 60% around 2030. [read more]

As for the Third Antichrist if Nostradamus is right, be alert to what happens in the year close to 2040--that’s the year when the Antichrist becomes an adult. He’ll be charismatic, a smooth talker (Daniel 11:36), and deceptive. The Left will love him and the lame-stream-press will write praise about him. He’ll probably be a socialist and a pychopath. That’s my guess anyway. Interestingly enough, Isaac Newton predicted the world would end around 2060. We’ll, see.

When someone sees a vision of the far future he sees it though what he knows at the time especially technology. The moon, sun, weather, stars those are pretty much stay the same. If the person sees a new technology in the future he has to match it to what he knows in his time.

Other predictions:

  • Solar Storms
  • A Devastating Earthquake Will Destroy California
  • The American Soldiers Will Have Brain Chip Implants
  • Destruction of the Catholic Church

Thursday, March 04, 2021

9 Things You Need to Know About the $1.4 Trillion Fiscal Year 2021 Omnibus and $900 Billion COVID-19 Package

From The Daily (Dec. 21):

Here are nine things you need to know about Monday’s omnibus package, which was passed by the House and Senate.

1. It Was Developed Behind Closed Doors in the 11th Hour

While signing the fiscal year 2018 omnibus spending bill, President Donald Trump warned Congress: “I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again. Nobody read it. It’s only hours old. Some people don’t even know what is in—$1.3 trillion—it’s the second largest ever.”


2. The Nondefense Spending Levels Are Inflated and Gimmicked

In total, this package provides a total of $1.4 trillion in discretionary appropriations. The 12-bill appropriations omnibus uses spending levels set by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019.

While this does not come as a surprise, that does not mean the spending level is appropriate. Instead, it demonstrates a refusal by members of Congress to be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars.

The 2019 spending deal significantly increased defense and nondefense spending by a total of $153 billion above the fiscal year 2021 caps originally set by the Budget Control Act of 2011.

Worse, legislators are using accounting gimmicks to further inflate the amount of nondefense spending. The most important of these has to do with Changes in Mandatory Programs, or CHIMPs. This gimmick allows fake “savings” in mandatory programs, such as moving a payment from one year to the next, to offset more discretionary spending within the caps.


3. The COVID-19 Relief Package Has Too Much Waste, Little Meaningful Response

Rather than allowing the vitally important discussion of COVID-19 response to take place as its own legislation, congressional leaders have chosen to prioritize convenience and political leverage over proper deliberation by attaching it to the “must-pass” omnibus package.

The $900 billion COVID-19 relief section of the omnibus is badly flawed. The Heritage Foundation recently released a new report detailing many of these problems. Among them:

  • A lack of focus on COVID-19 rapid self-tests. Congress should demand urgent action from the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services, starting by directing them to clear away all regulatory barriers to rapid self-tests so that individual Americans and their families can regularly and quickly get the information they need about their COVID-19 status.
  • Counterproductive unemployment benefit boosts. Extended and increased unemployment benefits are not warranted nationwide given that the unemployment rate is 6% or lower in half of states, and higher benefits lead to more unemployment. Further, expanding federal unemployment benefits makes it easier for state and local governments to impose crushing restrictions that are not grounded in science, hurting businesses, schools, and communities.
  • More business loans that have proven ineffective. While the impulse to preserve jobs is understandable, the Paycheck Protection Program cost over $100,000 per job saved based on several studies. Worse, the program was not properly targeted, creating inequalities between businesses. These loans also make it easier for state and local governments to justify overly restrictive lockdowns.
  • Unnecessary handouts to school districts. Spending per student on K-12 education has exploded over the last several decades in real terms, and private schools have largely reopened without the level of expense that this package envisions.
  • Politically motivated industry bailouts. Heavily unionized industries still wield disproportionate political influence, and the COVID-19 package would give sweetheart deals to unionized industries such as airlines, transit agencies, and the Postal Service. Airlines are not the only industry hurt by the pandemic and should not receive special treatment. Transit agencies have bloated payroll costs and are already heavily subsidized. The Postal Service needs to bring costs in line with revenues, which Congress can enable through reform legislation.

In addition, the COVID-19 relief section now includes untargeted and unnecessary $600 stimulus checks. The checks will be sent without regard to unique COVID-19 impacts, including to the more than 93% of workers who are fortunate enough to still be employed. [read more]

The rest of the bullet points:

  1. It Gives Sweetheart-Deal Tax Extenders to Special Interests
  2. It Enables the Government to Interfere in the Energy Market
  3. It Rightfully Ends Surprise Medical Billing—but Creates a New Class of Rate-Setting Bureaucrats
  4. It Wisely Winds Down the Federal Reserve’s Emergency Authority
  5. It Will Increase Defense Stability
  6. It Defends Key Pro-Life Policies That the Left Have in Its Crosshairs

Other articles on the bill:

    Wednesday, March 03, 2021

    What Will Happen to Gun Rights Under the Biden Presidency?

    From American (Dec. 15):

    Any time a liberal candidate is elected to become President of the United States, gun rights and regulations take center stage. Historically, gun sales have surged in the two months between a Democratic presidential nomination and inauguration. And that’s precisely what we’re seeing right now.


    What Biden Has Said He’ll Do

    There’s always going to be a lot of speculation on what a Biden administration could do, but for now, let’s focus on what Biden has said he will do. Here are a few takeaways that come directly from his official gun control proposal:

    1. Ban on Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines
    2. “Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children. It’s wrong. Joe Biden will enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons.”

    3. Mandatory Gun and Magazine Registration
    4. “Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act. Currently, the National Firearms Act requires individuals possessing machine-guns, silencers, and short-barreled rifles to undergo a background check and register those weapons with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Due to these requirements, such weapons are rarely used in crimes. As president, Biden will pursue legislation to regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act.”

    5. Mandatory Gun Confiscation
    6. “Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.”

    [read more]

    More articles on gun rights:

    Tuesday, March 02, 2021

    Iran’s Rouhani Has No Doubt Joe Biden Will ‘Bow’ to Tehran, Lift Sanctions

    From (Dec. 17):

    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday he has “no doubt” a Joe Biden administration will rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by Barack Obama and remove sanctions on Iran’s economy while embracing appeasement across the Middle East.

    His assertion followed Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who also backed the swift resumption of Iran’s commitments under the deal if it would finish U.S. sanctions, as Breitbart News reported.

    “I have no doubt that the heroic national resistance of Iran is going to compel the future U.S. government to bow … and the sanctions will be broken,” Rouhani said Thursday.

    The Washington Post reports the remarks were made at the inauguration of several infrastructure projects, where he spoke via videoconference.

    On Wednesday, Khamenei had said in a televised address if U.S. sanctions “can be lifted in a correct, wise, Iranian-Islamic [and] dignified manner, this should be done.”

    “We should not hesitate for even an hour,” he said, echoing a phrase Rouhani often uses, thus restating the confidence in Tehran that Joe Biden in the White House would mean a resumption of a compliant U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. [read more]