Monday, September 25, 2006

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 5

  • If you believe that people are born being a homosexual, then you can make the claim that people are born being a pedophile too. Both are sexual orientations. Since homosexuals cannot change then using the first belief neither can pedophiles change.
  • There is nothing wrong with competition. When you compete against someone who is as good or better than you and you beat them that improves your ability. Paul McCartney competed against John Lennon in writing songs, and The Beatles as a whole competed against The Beach Boys when creating albums.
  • I think that the U.S. should vote on the abortion issue. Great Britain had a vote on the issue and they seemed to be less divided about it.
  • I think that the term "little people" for midgets is a little fuzzy. After all could not young children be called "little people?" I think a better term would be "little adults."
  • You have the right to speak your opinion. I have the right not to listen to it, or to say it is b.s. politely if I think it is.
  • Those (Hitler; Carl Marx) who employ the strategy of divide-and-conquer between two groups (Jews and the rest of German population; the rich and the poor) are the only ones who win. The groups being pitted against each other never gain anything. Only when the groups are united can the strategy fail.
  • A person can never be too cautious around wild animals that can harm you. There is a reason why they are called "wild" and it is because they are unpredictable. They are completely ruled by instinct and you never know what can startle them.
  • Overconfidence can lead to unnecessary accidents. You may think you are an excellent driver for example, but drivers around you may not be good drivers. Be alert, be aware of your surroundings, and think quick if something happens.
  • The more an object can be sensed the more it is perceived to be real.
  • The brain only has a certain amount energy to disperse to the various body parts we consciously control. If we are multitasking any tasks that does not get our attention gets less energy. For example, if you are walking and talking at the same time and you are focused on talking, you will start to slow your walking down.

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