Monday, October 16, 2006

Good Programmer Attributes

  1. Good problem solving abilities.
  2. Good debugging skills.
  3. Has good command and understanding of the computer language (s)he is using.
  4. Able to make use of reference material.
  5. Is creative and mentally agile
  6. Patience and a cool head when any programming troubles happen.
  7. Logically minded. Marilyn vos Savant in her book Brain Building In Just 12 Weeks suggests these tips to build a logical mind:
    1. Think for yourself.
    2. Separate the problem from the symptoms.
    3. Define and analyze the problem.
    4. Take a critical look at statistics.
    5. Take no premise for granted.
    6. Try other avenues of logical approach.
    7. Get enough information.
  8. Able to see the end user's viewpoint.
  9. Efficiency minded.
  10. Good documentation skills.
  11. Good communications skills when in a group or team situation.

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