Monday, September 24, 2007

10 Questions About Militant Jihadism

On Counterterrorism, Walid Phares poses ten questions below in bold face about the war on terror he says should be answered. My answers are next to the bold face questions.

  1. Do the Jihadists wish to destroy the enemy (the free world) or absorb it? To destroy the free world. Actually, here is the infidels choices: Convert, be a slave, or die.
  2. Do they want to attack the West and the United States before they accomplish their goals in the Muslim world first? A crucial question, leading to many others. Not easy to answer. I say since they don't want Iraq to become stabilized and democratic they would try to make chaos as much as possible in Iraq like they are doing now so it does not become a buffer against Jihadism. Iraq is the central battleground right now for the Jihadist.
  3. Will it be possible to conclude peace with the Jihadists? What would doing so entail? Definitely not. The only way to make peace with the Jihadists is to become a fundamentalist Muslim like they are.
  4. What are al Qaeda’s priorities in the struggle against the United States? To have the US military cut-and-run from Iraq so they can say we are a "paper tiger" as Bin Laden put it. The way to do this is have the American people turn against the military or put pressure on Congress to have the military withdraw immediately. That is probably number one priority. Also, to have the US not support Israel anymore. Finally, to have the US reject democracy and embrace Sharia law.
  5. What weaknesses and holes do the Jihadists see in America and the West, and how would they use them? Democracy. What they perceive as our relaxed morals and open society. They would try infiltrate governments to influence law. They would also try to intimidate the western world in not criticizing Jihadists (calling people who condemn Jihadists, Islamphobes).They would have Mosques whose Imam spout out anti-American rhetoric and call for a Holy War against the infidels (ie America and the Western world). Also, they would attempt to gain support with other fundamentalists around the world by having the US citizens attack their fellow Muslim citizens. If people in the US started randomly attacking innocent Muslims (I hope this does not happen) then the Jihadists could use this as a justification for their Holy War. This internal chaos could be accomplished by attacking our schools like the extremists did in Russia. Conservative Glenn Beck on his TV show thinks this is a real possibility. He calls it the "Perfect Day." Also, the border, ports, malls, and stadiums could be used weaknesses if they are not protected.
  6. Are the governments in the United States and other western nations ready for these future wars? Sadly, I don't think so. It's like WW II when Hitler started invading countries. Before that time everyone except Winston Churchill thought he was just a nut and did not take him seriously. For the Jihadists this is Holy War. They have no doubt what their mission is--global Sharia law. The Jihadists also are willing to die for that mission.
  7. What would the next generations of Americans, today’s children and youths, have to face in these wars? Bloodshed and violence if there are acts of terrorism in our country.
  8. What should the United States and the West do to avoid future jihads? Convince the modern and traditional Muslims to take a stand against the Jihadists around the world. The un-radical Muslims The US and the West must show strength and resolve and be united against the Jihadists. Let them know loud and clear that they and their ideology is not going to win. Keep monitoring communication between Jihadists abroad and on the homeland. The gov't of the Western world has to support and protect any astute citizen reporting any suspicious behavior or packages. The press can help here too by not calling people Islamophobes and reporting successes the US military has against Jihadism and encouraging mindfulness behavior in their readers and viewers. The press can also do more stories on how the Islamofascists are oppressing people. We are all in it together. I don't care about "war fatigue." The only people that have war fatigue is the soldiers and their family and close friends. You think the Jihadists have war fatigue? I seriously doubt it.
  9. Why wasn’t it already done in the past? The West and the US did not recognize the threat even though Jihadism has been around a long time since the time of the Knights of Templar. Islam was not really understood back then and still is not really today. Also, Communism and before that Nazism were the threats at that time. 9-11 happened because the US could not imagine the unimaginable. We thought we were protected by an ocean. Not anymore. The US and the Western world has to think imaginatively and realistically of ways a Jihadist can attack us and do something to prevent it. For example, could the Jihadists go underground a city and blow it up? There are a lot of cities around the world who have underground caverns. Just watch a few episodes of Cities of the Underworld on the History Channel. Are these being protected? Also, a Jihadist could set off a EMF bomb that just fries electronics. That in itself could make a city grind to a halt.
  10. Are the Jihadists alone, or do they have the backing of other powers and states? They are not alone. They are being supported by countries that if not endorse what they do but sympathize with their cause. Like Iran, Syria, some say Saudi Arabia, etc.
Leaders and future leaders of the world should ponder seriously these ten questions. The threat is not going to go away on its own.

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