Imagine this scenario taking place. You are outside minding your own business when a crazy guy comes after you swinging an axe. You look in his eyes and there is madness in them. What do you do? Do you...
- Yell, "stop or I'll shoot" if you have a loaded gun.
- Run and hide.
- Try to reason with the madman, or try to apologize to him thinking you must have offended him in someway.
If you are a police officer you would probably do the first option. You want to give him a chance of putting down the axe. If he still comes at you, you would probably just shoot him. The second option is understandable especially if you don't have a weapon or don't know any self-defense. Fight or flight is the instinct here. The only problem is he might still come after you so you better hope he runs slower than you. The worst choice is three. You can only reason with sane people. This guy might be hallucinating you're a demon or an evil alien that needs to be stopped. You do not know what is in his mind or what his motivation is. Apologizing to the madman is even more stupid. The last option will definitely get you killed. It is all about self-preservation and common sense.
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