Monday, January 12, 2009

The Hemenway-Solnick Study at Harvard

Economists David Hemenway and Sara Solnick did a study at Harvard where they asked people if they would prefer to receive an annual salary of $50,000 when others are making $25,000 than to earn $100,000 a year when others are making $200,000. Most of the respondents said they would rather earn the smaller figure.

What this is just plain envy. This emotion is also what the Left loves to exploit. Raise taxes on the rich. "Economic justice" and all that. Well, Soviets did exactly that--implemented economic justice (read: Marxism). What happened? The poor stayed poor, the rich became poor, and the gov't became rich.

The Left tells people you will feel better if the rich lose their money. But this feeling is only temporary because your situation has not changed--only the situation of the envied people are. Your envy toward the once-rich may have gone away and replaced with satisfaction but again does this in the end help you at all? Think of this: wealth is relative. If you are envious of someone else because of their wealth then someone else is probably envious of you because of your wealth. You want your income reduced? Politics is not only local, it is also very personal when it effects you.

Most people who are envious are envious of strangers. If you are envious of friends--you friendship will be harmed. If you are envious of family members--then you are causing strife in the family. Envy is a very pernicious negative emotion because you not wishing someone else well because of what they have or even because of their talents. That I think why it is one of the deadly sins.

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