It seems that the politically correct crowd has run amok again. The "War on Terror" phrase has been replaced with "Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)." Huh? That makes no sense. What freakin' bureaucrat thought that up? Here's a Wikapedia definition of the word "contingency":
In philosophy and logic, contingency is the status of propositions that are not necessarily true or necessarily false. [read more]
Is that helpful? In other words, the phrase OCO is just doublespeak. Someone thought "War on Terror" was offensive to the Islamofascists (oh, I am sorry did I offend them?) Then somebody on Hannity thought "War on Terror" was too general. Fine, I can maybe see that point. So, here are my suggestions:
- War on Islamic Terrorists
- War on Militant Jihadists
- Fight against Islamic Fascism
Oops! I used the word "war." I'm bad. That same person who said "War on Terror" was too general, and thought it should be changed to "War on Al Queada." That's too narrow. It does not include any other Islamofascist group (like the Wahabbists, Hamas, etc.), and it does not include any future ones either.
Then you have the words "enemy combatant" removed from military documents. Come on! Okay, fine. Here are my suggestions for those words:
- Passionate Muslims with Tendencies to Explode
- Muslims with Explosive Personalities
- Rival Warrior
- Muslims who Disagree with Swords
Okay, I was having a little fun with terms.
Here's the overlooked point. The militant jihadists don't care what we call them. It's just war to them. Being nice too them won't make them change. It just makes you dead. It's not like they are having a bad day or being moody. This is their culture. It's what they do.
Oh did you hear? The Freedom Tower is being now called "One World Trade Center." Isn't that just peachy? Like the Islamofascists are offended by the word "Freedom." Then again maybe they are. But I don't think the words "One World" would make them ecstatic. Probably, "Islamic Trade Center" would be better.
Is me or is the words "One World" a little bit spooky? As in One World Government? Nah, I am just being paranoid.