Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mitigating Factors in Global Warming and Weather Patterns

Here is a list of factors in global warming and weather in general:

  1. CO2 uptake by plants
  2. CO2 release of plants (decomposition)
  3. Likelihood of methane release from permafrost and ocean sediments due to warming
  4. Temperature influences on the ability of the ocean to sequester CO2
  5. How the atmospheric particles interfere with sunlight reaching earth
  6. How clouds effect daytime and nighttime temperatures
  7. What effects cloud formation (including atmosphere particles)
  8. Solar cycles (sunspots, etc.)
  9. Reflectivity of ice versus ground and changes in earth's ice coverage over time
  10. Impact of melting ice on ocean salinity and resultant changes in ocean currents
  11. Volcanic activity
  12. Shorter-term weather oscillation data (La Nina, El Nino)
  13. Tilt and orbit of the earth
Note everything in bold face mankind can not make and can not control. Especially, items 8), 11), and 13). Even the non-bold face items will be hard to control.

Source: Lies, Damned Lies, and Science (2009) by Sherry Seethaler.

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