Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Reasonable Questions for Unreasonable Times Part 2

  • Who is "surrounding" the President in the White House? Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who was on the board of Freddie Mac while they misreported their net income in 2000 by 30.5%. He was the one that made the comment, "A crisis is a terrible thing to waste; they are opportunities to do big things." When asked about the Town Halls this is what senior advisor Valerie Jarret said at a question-and-answer session:
    They are trying to scare people, elderly people, and I am ticked. It's what we are fighting against, but they underestimate the American people. and media is not focusing on the productive debates we are having, it's not just raucous. we need retail help from you all.
    The "you" she is talking about is far left groups.

  • Do any of the President's advisers have criminal records? If you mean senior staff, no. Van Jones, the Green Czar was arrested twice.

  • Are the President's advisers working to better the country or their own ideals? Better their own ideals. Unless you think making the country into a socialistic state is a good idea.

  • Who are the anti-capitalists in Washington? According to US Chamber of Commerce these are some House members that got low scores: Nancy Pelosi (26), Henry Waxman (26), Maxine Walters (21), Jessie Jackson, Jr. (28), Steny Hoyer (32), Barney Frank (25), The number in parens is the average score. Some Senate member with low scores: Chris Dodd (32), Dick Durbin (34), Tom Harkin (37), John Kerry (38), Harry Reid (37), Charles Schumer (36), Harry Reed (36), Robert Byrd (32). If you noticed everyone I named is a Democrat. I did not deliberately look for Dems. I was just looking for names I recognize, then the score. Also, Obama got an average score of 32. Biden's average score was 36. Hillary Clinton's score was 46. These scores were when they were senators.

  • What roles do they have in crafting bills? Congress always has a role in crafting bills. Obama and Biden has influence too.

  • What was "STORM"? What happened to the founders, where are they now? STORM stood for Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement. It was a communist revolutionary organization founded by now Green Czar Van Jones.

  • What qualifications must one have to be a Presidential adviser? Trustworthy, knowledgeable in his/ her field, & pro-American.

  • What is the difference between a community organizer and a community activist? A community activist takes on community issues. A community organizer organizes communities for social causes. A community activist can be a community organizer too to accomplish his/her goals.

  • Do the czars have power? Yes, too much power.

  • Should a communist have the ear of the President of the United States? No, because they are anti-democracy and anti-capitalistic.

  • What role did the Apollo Alliance play in crafting bills? The group claims it influenced the "stimulus" package. It is an alliance of business, labor and environmental groups. Those groups have lobbyists. It is not too far fetched to think the Apollo Alliance has lobbyists too.

  • Does the President know the co-founder of the Weather Underground is a board member of the Apollo Alliance? I think he might be talking about Jeff Jones. Jones is a director of the New York State Apollo Alliance. He might know about him.

  • How many people in the administration are connected to the movement for a democratic society? Van Jones.

  • What role does George Soros play... CONSTITUTIONALLY? None whatsover.

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