Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bill of Rights Institute

I found an interesting website that teaches high school students about the bill of rights called of course Bill of Rights Institute.org. For example one of the lesson plans is called Citizenship and Character: Understanding America's Civil Values. This is what is in the text book:

  1. Courage: The Declaration of Independence
  2. Respect: First Amendment; Freedom of Religion; Madison’s Memorial and Remonstrance
  3. Consideration: First Amendment; Freedom of Speech
  4. Perseverance: First Amendment; Petition and Assembly
  5. Industry: Fourth and Fifth Amendments
  6. Responsibility: Magna Carta; Fifth and Sixth Amendments
  7. Justice: The Bill of Rights; Virginia Declaration of Rights; Pledge of Allegiance
  8. Initiative: The Voting Amendments
  9. Moderation: Franklin’s Autobiography; Washington’s Farewell Address; Jefferson’s Dialogue
  10. Integrity: The United States Constitution
The website also has free resources for teachers (although anyone wanting to bone up on their American history can use these resources) like the Founders Online and Founding Documents. For students (or anyone really) is a quiz about the Constitution and the Founders. This quiz is also on the Good Web Sites list on the left.

From what I've seen a very good institute for high school students.

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