Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Six Powers of the Secretary of HHS under Obamacare

The following powers of the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) are from the Center for Health Transformation:

  1. The Secretary will decide what clinical drugs seniors can access. (Section 3307)
  2. The Secretary will instruct physicians and nurses exactly how to give a drug to their patients in long-term care facilities. (Section 3310)
  3. The Secretary will determine how dentists and dental hygienists should examine your teeth. (Section 4102)
  4. The Secretary can overrule states on what insurance rates can be whether they like it or not. (Section 2101)
  5. The Secretary can use comparative effectiveness research to determine access to care for seniors, like they do for patients in the British National Health Service. (Section 3102)
  6. The Secretary can set standard hospital charges that hospitals have to follow.

If go the the CHT website they have a chart that lists 1,968 grants and powers of Obamacare. That’s quite a few.

The Republicans should focus on the unconstitutionality of Obamacare. The gov’t does not have the right to force any citizen to buy health insurance. That would be like them forcing a person to buy low-fat ice cream. Force the advocates of Obamacare to defend the position that they can force you to buy health insurance.

I am not saying the other issues of Obamacare are not important. Increasing unemployment and increasing the debt are important. But  Obamacare is against what  America fundamentally stands for---freedom. The Senate should vote up or down on whether the Washington has the right to force citizens to buy insurance.

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