Tuesday, June 07, 2011

History of Hatred Against the Jewish People

Hat tip to the Glenn Beck show for this chronology:

175-163 B.C. Attempt to outlaw Judaism
164- 163 B.C.

Jerusalem captured

72 A.D. Expelled from Palestine
1096 12,000 Jews killed in First Crusade
1099 Jerusalem captured, Jews killed
1215 Forced to wear yellow circle on clothes
1290 Expelled from England
1306 Expelled from France
1349 – 1360 Expelled from Hungary
1421 Expelled from Austria
1492 Expelled from Spain
1495 Expelled from Lithuania
1497 Expelled from Portugal
15th century – 1772 Banned in Russia
1543 Concerning the Jews and Their Lies” released
1555 Forced into Italian ghettos
1648-49 10,000 killed in massacres in Ukraine
1925 “Mein Kampf” published
1933 Nazi Party comes to power in Germany
1935 Nuremburg Laws introduced
1938 7,500 businesses destroyed in Kristallnacht
1941 33,000 killed in Ukraine
1941-1945 67% European Jews are murdered


Man, I am not sure why the Jews are not bitter for what the world has done to them. Anyone else would have a chip on their shoulder. Add to that fact they have countries around them (like Iran and Egypt if the Muslim Brotherhood gain power) who wants to exterminate them.

If America doesn’t stand with Israel and Israel is destroyed then America is next. After all according to the militant Islamists Israel is the little Satan, we are the big Satan.

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