Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Abortion Questions

In total, China aborted 160 million girls because boys are valued more than girls. Where are the feminists in this country protesting this number?

If in the near future mankind discovers a homosexual gene and China (or anyone or any other country)  decides to abort gays and lesbians will the gay community protest that action?

Or a white woman aborts a fetus of another race if she is raped for instance. Is this okay for the pr0-choice person who happens to be that race? I mean that is her choice right? Or it could be she dated a black man, they had intercourse, and later on they broke up. In the meantime she got pregnant with the man’s baby. Since, her parents are racists they objected to her dating any black guys. Now, they want her to abort the baby. For all you pro-choice advocates is this situation okay?

How about any anti-life person protesting any of those scenarios? Or is the so-called pro-choice stance sacrosanct? Just curious.

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