IEF F. House % of Christians
Hong Kong | 89.3 | Partly free | 10.0 |
Singapore | 88.0 | Partly free | 14.6 |
Australia | 82.6 | Free | 67.4 |
New Zealand | 81.4 | Free | 53.5 |
Switzerland | 81.0 | Free | 79.3 |
Canada | 79.4 | Free | 70.3 |
Chile | 79.0 | Free | 100.0 |
Mauritus | 76.9 | Free | 32.2 |
Denmark | 76.1 | Free | 98.0 |
United States | 76.0 | Free | 78.0 |
If you notice most countries that have Christian majorities have the highest economic freedom. Almost all the countries that have Christian majorities except for Mauritus are completely free. Hong Kong is a mixture of local religions. If China takes over Hong Kong its freedom measurements will be zero or close to zero. Singapore is predominately Buddhist. Mauritus is predominately Hindu.
The United States should be number one on the economic freedom scale—not 10! What happened?! Oh, never mind. I know saying America should be #1 sounds bad to some not from America, but that’s my American patriotism coming out. Not that I begrudge any country having economic or any kind of freedom. It would be a better world if most countries did.
The Freedom House website isn’t too bad. Except it doesn’t rate countries for gun rights. Okay, you can’t have everything.
If you’re curious Iran’s IEF score is 43.2 and Freedom House says of course they are not free. North Korea’s IEF score is 1.5 (wow!) and Freedom House says N. Korea is not free. Duh! How about Russia? It’s IEF score is 51.1 (not bad) and Freedom House says they are not free.
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