Looking at the murder rates around the world the highest is would you believe Turkey (184.053 per 1 million people). Since the Left likes to blame a lot of murders on guns (like that’s the only way to kill someone) let’s look at Turkey’s gun regulations. In Turkey, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms and semi-automatic firearms. Those are assault weapons aren’t they not? Also, in Turkey, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted under license. An applicant for a firearm license in Turkey must pass background checks which consider criminal, mental, domestic violence, medical, and addiction records.
Next highest murder rate per capita is Belarus. It’s rate is 100.35 per 1 million people. What about its gun regulations? In Belarus, civilians are not allowed to possess handguns unless awarded for military service. Belarus has background checks too. In Belarus, third party character references for each gun license applicant are required. So, if only people with military service are allowed to have guns why are there any gun homicides at all? The rate is low. The highest was 0.8 in 1995. But still you think it would be zero. Are the only ones committing gun homicides military people? I don’t think so.
The third highest murder rate per capita is Lithuania at 81.84 per 1 million people. In Lithuania, the right to private gun ownership is guaranteed by law. In Lithuania, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic weapons (category A), military sniper rifles, unmarked firearms, craft weapons, armor-piercing ammunition. Again these are categorized as assault weapons. Lithuania has background checks too.
Albania has the forth highest murder rate. It’s rate per capital is 80.637 per 1 million people. Here is it’s gun regulation policies: The regulation of guns in Albania is categorized as permissive. Not sure what “permissive” means. In Albania, licensed gun makers are required to keep a record of each firearm produced, for inspection by a regulating authority.
What about America’s murder rate per capita? I don’t know. I couldn’t find it on Nation Master.com. But America wasn’t listed in the top 37 countries. Although, Wolfram Alpha.com had the murder rate 5.65 murders per 100,000 people.
Now, if you are curious about gun homicides around the world, the country with the highest count is South Africa. As of 2002, they had 31,918 gun homicides. That’s because of lax gun laws right? No, not really. In South Africa, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law. So, no 4th amendment for them. In South Africa, civilians are not allowed to possess semi-automatic firearms without special endorsement, automatic firearms and specifically modified firearms. In South Africa, private possession of fully automatic weapons is prohibited. In South Africa, only licensed gun owners (with competency certificate) may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition. S. Africa has background checks. You got to have 3rd party character reference to get a gun. Licensed firearm owners in South Africa are permitted to possess 1 firearm per firearm license. One other gun fact about South Africa: It has gun free zones.
Next highest in gun homicides (21,898) is Columbia. In Colombia, the right to private gun ownership is guaranteed by law. In Colombia, civilians are not allowed to possess pistols and revolvers of caliber superior to 9.652mm, automatic arms, semi-automatic rifles and carbines over 22 caliber LR, arms with military-style devices (infrared and laser sights, grenade launchers and silencers) and ammunition for these arms. Does the drug cartels in Columbia know this? In Colombia, private possession of fully automatic weapons is prohibited with only narrow exemptions. In Colombia, private possession of semi-automatic assault weapons is prohibited with only narrow exemptions. Again with the “narrow exceptions.” Applicants for a gun owner’s license in Colombia are required to prove genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example, personal protection, security, hunting, target shooting, collection. Like who is going to say their reason is to kill someone. Yea, I am wanting to start up a hitman business. And yes Columbia has background checks too. It has gun free zones too. Actually, I counted 19 countries (America is one) that have gun free zones. Do these really work? I doubt it.
A lot of countries with high gun homicides either restrict assault weapons or ban them altogether. Most countries have background checks. A lot of countries you have to have a character reference and/or a genuine reason to own a gun. In countries where there is no “right to own a gun” like the United Kingdom, Japan and China there are still gun homicides. Why? I thought regulation is supposed to stop gun homicides. In the UK handguns are completely prohibited. In Japan you have to be an accomplished sports shooter to own a gun. All you amateur sports shooters are out of luck. In China you have to be a hunter and have permission.
If you are wondering America is ranked 4th in gun homicides.
So, what’s the point of this essay? The point is gun regulation doesn’t really have that much affect on murders.
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