Monday, September 09, 2013

Elementary Students Taught Gov’t = Your ‘Family’

From The (Aug. 30):

Fourth-grade students in Illinois are learning that “government is like a nation’s family” because it sets rules and takes care of needs such as health care and education.

So says a worksheet for social studies homework that was distributed to students at East Prairie School in Skokie, Ill, complete with a drawing of Uncle Same cradling a baby that represents the citizens.

Students are then prompted to answer 10 questions comparing government and families, including how their family provides for their health care needs and how the government does the same, and what rules families set and what rules government sets.

The worksheet it titled, “What is Government?” and then goes on to answer that question.

“Government is all of the agencies, departments, organizations, groups, individuals in a nation who make, carry out, enforce, and manage conflicts about rules and laws,” the worksheet says. [read more]

So, we went from “It takes a village.” to “It takes the government.” To the Left a natural progression. This is pure indoctrination.

Let’s see now. Can a family tax its members? No. Can a family create money? No. Can a family make war and/or invade another family? It can but it is illegal to do that. But a government can do all the above.

So, what are the functions of a family if gov’t is equivalent to the family?

  1. Regulation of sexual & reproduction. Well, I don’t think the Left wants this function since it is against abstinence. It thinks teenagers have no self-control (they are just wild beasts you know) and therefore should use condoms. Not to mention the Left is pro-abortion.
  2. Teaching new generations values, norms, attitudes, and beliefs.  When the Left talk about gov’t is equivalent to the family this is what they really mean. But it is their values, norms, attitudes, and beliefs  they want to teach. That way the Left can stay in power by turning out progressive voters.
  3. Protection of the young. Except for the fetus gov’t tries to do this but the real family can do it better.
  4. Affection. To be affectionate to someone you have to personally know someone. A gov’t can’t have affection for its citizens because it is bureaucratic by nature and there are too many citizens to personally know. If it has any “affection” toward its  citizens it’s only because they “tow the party line” so to speak. Otherwise they are punished.

If a gov’t is a family then why is America not enforcing its border? A family doesn’t let strangers on its land or in its home without permission. Or all the governments of the world one big “happy” family? Hmmm.

Actually, a gov’t can be more like a cult than a family. Then again a cult pretends to be a family to its members.

So, what’s the lesson the kids are learning? Gov’t is more important than your own family. You don’t need your family to take care of you. That’s the gov’t job.

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