Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Here is a partial list of Michael Save terms and definitions I think are clever:

Briefcase Mafia- trial lawyers.

Brown Shorts- radical gay activists.

Caesars of Hollywood- actors and actresses who move among us as if they were gods.

Christophobia- the loathing and hatred of Christianity by bigoted, intolerant, secular leftists.

Condo Commies- wealthy socialists.

Corned-beef Commies- unhealthy, wealthy, socialists.

Demicans- Republicans who act like Democrats.

Demoncrats- a euphemistic term for godless Democrats.

EPA- Environmental Propaganda Agency.

The Grim Reefer Gang- advocates for medical marijuana.

Government-Media Complex- unholy alliance between big government and media elites.

Headcutters in Headscarfs- evangelists who spread the religion of peace by cutting people to pieces.

Houses of Porn and Scorn- today’s “liberal” colleges.

Institutes of Lower Living- colleges where junior sheeple can get the finest illiberal education that taxpayer money can buy.

Kneejerk Conservatism- reflexive right-wingers who never ask “Why?” when conservative leaders say “Drink the Kool-Aid.”

Lexus Liberals- Kerry-brand liberals who despise the nation that made their wealth.

Pot in Every Chicken- legalization of marijuana.

Republicrats- turncoat Republicans.

Red Diaper Doper Babies (RDDBs)- psychotic sixties leftovers who mixed too much Marx with their marijuana.

Sheeples- the unthinking, gullible masses.

She-ocracy- the reigning rule of radical feminism that emasculated America’s men.

Socialism- organized crime with an army.

Spawning like Shrimp- the swarming of illegal aliens at our southern border.

Stand-up Stalins- anti-American comedians.

Source: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. Savage Solutions (2005) by Michael Savage.

The Left love sheeples because they usually vote for their candidates. 

Michael Savage has started the Paul Revere Society (PRS) whose mission statement is:

Assert the values inherent in these pillars of freedom. We will seek to educate the citizenry about our nation’s freedoms.

I think it is still active but I didn’t see it mention on his website. On the Free Republic website it talks about the PRS 8-point plan:

  1. End Affirmative Action.
  2. Close the Borders now.
  3. Deport all illegal immigrants now.
  4. Eliminate bilingual education in all states.
  5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
  6. Make tax cuts permanent.
  7. Reduce the number of Federal Employees.
  8. Tort Reform - Stop Class Action Lawyers.

All good points. Point 3 might be hard logistically. The gov’t has to find them first then deport them. Many of them don’t want to be US citizens. They just want jobs so they have money they can send back home. I think he is talking elementary bilingual education in point four. Learning another language in middle school on up is fine. But when you are younger it will confuse the mind when the mind is still trying to learn about reality.

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