Monday, April 14, 2014

EPA human test subjects not always told about lethal risks of studies

From (April 2):

The Environmental Protection Agency has been testing the impact of pollutants on human subjects without always telling them about the risks of heavy exposure -- risks that include cancer, and even death.

The findings were included in a newly released EPA inspector general report, which urged the agency to overhaul its guidelines to make sure test subjects understand all the risks before signing up.

"[E]vidence suggests that at least some human study subjects would like to know if a study involves risk of death, even if the risk is very small," the report said.

The EPA is authorized under federal law to perform human testing, as part of its ongoing effort to regulate potentially harmful pollutants. The agency has spent millions of dollars on this research. [read more]

Where is the lame-stream-press reporting this? If a private organization like a corporation had been doing this it would been broadcasted in every newspaper and on the TV. But since the “benevolent” gov’t is doing it is okay. Nothing to see here. Move on, please. Just the gov’t protecting the people by exposing other people to potentially harmful pollutants. Figure that one out. I guess you could call it a sacrifice to the collective.

If this had been animals being exposed the animal rights nuts would have had a stroke. Well, maybe not. Since, Big Gov is their god. Who knows.

I don’t know but this is close to what the Nazi’s did. I believe Hitler authorized his henchmen to perform experiments on people too.

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