Monday, July 28, 2014

Ancient Political Thought


  • A leader should be a “superior man.”
  • Less than perfect people can be changed by an example of sincere goodness.
  • This superior man possesses the qualities of virtue, faithfulness, and sincerity, which he shows in rituals and ceremonies.
  • The superior man therefore sets a good example for his people.
  • Therefore, if a leader’s desire is for good, the people will be good.


  • Only virtuous capable people should be given positions of authority.
  • Virtue and ability do not necessarily come from adherence to tradition or belonging to a noble family. 
  • Virtue and ability can be learned through study.
  • Therefore, plans for the country are only to be shared with the learned.


  • People come together to form households to form villages, and villages form cities.
  • The purpose of our lives is to lead a “good life.”
  • We have developed ways of organizing these city-states in order to live a “good life.”
  • Living in a society organized by reason such as a city-state, is what makes us human.
  • Anybody who lives outside the city-state is either a beast or a god.
  • Thus, man is by nature a political animal.

Source: The Politics Book. Big Ideas Simply Explained (2013) by DK Publishing.

Not bad philosophy. The current administration could learn from the first two political thoughts. Especially the virtue and sincerity parts.

The founder of Mohism said if a leader is unrighteous these disasters would happen to a country:

  1. Neglect of the country's defense, yet there is much lavished on the palace.
  2. When pressured by foreigners, neighboring countries are not willing to help.
  3. The people are engaged in unconstructive work while useless fools are rewarded.
  4. Law and regulations became too heavy such that there is repressive fear and people only look after their own good.
  5. The ruler lives in a mistaken illusion of his own ability and his country's strength.
  6. Trusted people are not loyal while loyal people are not trusted.
  7. Lack of food. Ministers are not able to carry out their work. Punishment fails to bring fear and reward fails to bring happiness.

Well, it is a good thing none of those disasters are happening in America. Emperor President Obama being a righteous and honorable leader. Hey, wait a second… Doesn’t the country have most of those points? Hmm…

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