Monday, September 15, 2014

The Four Reformers by Robert L. Stevenson

FOUR reformers met under a bramble bush.  They were all agreed the
world must be changed.  "We must abolish property," said one.

"We must abolish marriage," said the second.

"We must abolish God," said the third.

"I wish we could abolish work," said the fourth.

"Do not let us get beyond practical politics," said the first. 
"The first thing is to reduce men to a common level."

"The first thing," said the second, "is to give freedom to the

"The first thing," said the third, "is to find out how to do it."

"The first step," said the first, "is to abolish the Bible."

"The first thing," said the second, "is to abolish the laws."

"The first thing," said the third, "is to abolish mankind."

Source: Fables (1902) by Robert L. Stevenson.

Written in the past sounds like the Left today. The first line sounds like a radical gay rights activist. The 2nd and 6th lines sound like the militant atheists. The last line sounds like environmental fascists. Abolishing property is a Marxist idea. Reducing men to a common level well, that’s what the Left wants to do altogether so the masses can be dependent on big gov’t.

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