Monday, March 09, 2015

10 Principles for Replacing ObamaCare

From (Feb. 24):

  1. Health care decisions should be made  between patients and doctors—the  government should never have a say.
  2. Increasing access to health care is about  letting markets provide lower costs for  higher quality of care—not just having an insurance policy.
  3. Tax policy should not favor individuals or companies with regard to purchasing health insurance.
  4. Regulation of private health insurance should be done by the states.
  5. Medicare should allow all seniors a choice of plans in a competitive market and the option to opt out altogether if they choose.
  6. Medicaid should move towards a state-controlled model—one in which states have flexibility to innovate and find ways to deliver better quality care with their Medicaid dollars.
  7. Patients should be incentivized to save and spend their own money (tax free) on health care through health savings accounts.
  8. The abuses of the medical malpractice system must be addressed by the states.
  9. Individuals with pre-existing conditions should be accommodated at the state level.
  10. ObamaCare must be dismantled entirely.

[read more]

A great plan. Basically let the states handle the healthcare. For those Leftists who say republicans and conservatives don’t have a plan—here is one.

The problem with the healthcare system is prices. No-one knows what the prices of services and equipment are. If consumers know they are purchasing, prices would come down naturally.  Also, we should be able to buy health insurance across state lines like we do with other insurances. It’s stupid we can’t do that.

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