Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Thoughts on Democrat Caucuses

This explanation is directly from the Kansas website:

Eligible caucus goers divide to form Presidential preference groups. If a preference group does not have enough people to be considered “viable”, 15% of total caucus goers, eligible attendees will have an opportunity to join another preference group or acquire people into their group to become viable. Delegates are then awarded to the preference groups based on their size. 

I believe this is how most if not all democrat caucuses run. The Left is so group obsessed they have to put the voters in groups like sheep. The republican causes don’t do it this way. You just mark on a ballet who you want to vote for and then put it in a ballot box. That’s all. I should know cause I did vote on Saturday for Ted Cruz.

To be fair, according to how stuff this way of causing was started in 1796 and is more complex than what that small explanation says.

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