Wednesday, April 06, 2016

10 Things Communist Countries Totally Do Better Than Capitalist Countries

A commentary from Mary Ramirez on The

Communism gets a tough rap. Stalin, Mao, Castro—not exactly on history’s nice list. But what if history’s got it wrong?

After all, it’s an impressive list of accomplishments:

  1. They know how to get really creative with food. Nina Karpenko and her fellow Ukrainians enjoyed such delicacies [cornmeal, wheat chaff, dried nettle leaves, weeds, and mixed with water and a little salt] while learning valuable lessons from their leaders in the communist Soviet Union; lessons like, “it’s probably not a good idea to resist Joseph Stalin’s polite request that everyone move into a collective farming model, or he’ll have to correct your ways with a forced famine or ‘Holodomor.’”
  2. The population never gets out of control. [Communism] and its responsibility for nearly 100 million deaths worldwide certainly seems to do the trick.
  3. Everyone’s educated. …if you hold out and attend another “kind” of school, they’ll make sure you quickly see the error of your ways.
  4. There’s a place to live for everyone. Nothing says uniformity like city block after city block of the same kind of building with the same paper thin walls, unreliable heat and less than 55 square feet of living space per person.
  5. There’s always something entertaining to watch/look at/listen to. And especially when you don’t have to deal with scads of unnecessary search results that the Chinese government happily filters out for you, you can surf the internet far more easily.
  6. They’ve got criminal justice down to a well-oiled machine. From 300 unruly Cuban protestors getting in the way of an American president’s visit, to pro-democracy agitators in China—you can be sure this public nuisance is handily whisked away.
  7. Religion’s so complicated—they make it simple. Still, there are plenty of people who still cling to the archaic trappings of “god.” Not to worry; communism has generally been able to handle it quite well. From intimidation to arrests; from torture to extermination—there’s always a way to deal with the holdouts.
  8. They’ve done tons for the environment. …what other system could so wonderfully deal with the waste issues in East Germany, where “42 percent of moving water and 24 percent of still waters were so polluted [at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall] that they could not be used to process drinking water”?
  9. Their people are so selfless. The beauty of communism is that it totally rids a person of the need to strive towards unachievable greatness.
  10. They’ve failed more than capitalist countries ever POSSIBLY could.

Satire aside, the reality is that this is serious stuff—especially as growing numbers of Americans look favorably on all kinds of collectivism. So let me be very clear:

Communism has never worked.


And socialism? Just communism’s less violent, slightly more palatable cousin.


So by all means, Mr. President, let’s do choose what works.

I believe it’s pronounced “ca-pit-al-ism.”  [read more]

Good article by Miss Ramirez. She could have added a 11th thing: Everyone has a job. According to the 1977 Soviet Constitution Chapter 7 Article 40 which says:  

Citizens of the USSR have the right to work (that is, to guaranteed employment and pay in accordance with the quantity and quality of their work, and not below the state-established minimum), including the right to choose their trade or profession, type of job and work in accordance with their inclinations, abilities, training and education, with due account of the needs of society.

Sounds great? Right? Think again. The State tells you where to work and what your job is going to be. Probably what your hours are. Definitely what your wages are. The article says you have the right to choose your profession but then it adds a caveat—“with due account of the needs of society.” That’s what Karl Marx meant by “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs.” Your passions, wants and happiness is not important. Just your abilities. If you don’t like or hate your job, too bad. You can’t quit unless you get permission from the State. All the Soviet Union cared about and other communist countries care about is full employment. Period. It makes them look good. But cheer up. The Soviet Union had a mininum wage and you had a right to rest and leisure. Oh, wait. The leisure time was determined by the collective farms.

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