Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/11 Anniversary: 10 Lessons Learned From the 15-Year ‘Long War’

Commentary from Steven Bucci on The Daily

Having been in the Pentagon on 9/11, it does not seem as if it was 15 years ago that our lives and national trajectory were changed so much.

For those who have been in the middle of it all, the time has gone swiftly. To many others, it is ancient history. Some interns at The Heritage Foundation were only as young as 4 and 5 years old on that chaotic day. That said, what lessons could we learn from the trial of the Long War? Here are 10 worth considering.

  1. Every nation is vulnerable, and democracies are even more so.
  2. America is resilient.
  3. Terrorism is a much longer-term foe than any nation-state opponent.
  4. America must maximize both security and civil liberties.
  5. Every American must know their principles. The American people as a whole must be engaged, and therefore must know what they believe. This is not an “Inside the Beltway” issue, but one for all Americans.
  6. You don’t always get to pick your foe, or when you will fight them.
  7. The “baddest” and best military in the world (and America has it) can still have trouble defeating an asymmetric foe. [America’s] military follows the laws of war, and asymmetric opponents do not. It does not mean we should change, but it must be recognized that a small, ideo logically driven foe can sometimes be tough to eradicate. That is not failure, it’s reality.
  8. America’s leaders need to lead. America’s system is not quick or easy, but it is the best system of government in the world. Stop playing games, and do your jobs.
  9. America’s youth is still superlative. The number of young people in government and around the country in business who have character, a fine work ethic, and a willingness to sacrifice are more than a critical mass to keep America moving forward. They “get it,” and are ready to take the baton. America’s future is bright.
  10. Lastly, America is not perfect, but its people, and frankly the rest of the world, do believe it is exceptional, and expect it to act the part. Americans are not better than everyone else, but our country has been called to play a role that flows from the principles that the Founding Fathers built into the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. America is exceptional, and it must lead.

It has been a long, difficult 15 years. It has been a time of sacrifice and struggle that no American asked for, or wanted. There are lessons to be learned, and if they are heeded, America’s time is not over. [read more]

Good lessons to learn and so true. Hope the next president learns these lessons.

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