Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 40

  • The Invisible Hand of Salvation: Each sinner will save him/herself through self-interest—they don’t want to go to Hell.
  • The reason motherships make it to planets and not fatherships is because fatherships didn’t stop and ask for directions and are now lost.
  • Obama says that Trump is unfit to be president. Well, that didn’t stop Obama from being elected president twice.
  • There is quite a few “mothers against” organizations. But there isn’t a “mothers for personal responsibility” or even “mothers for self-control.” Hmmm.
  • The Left always talks about “sharing the wealth” but never “sharing the power” especially with the republicans.
  • To the Left, woman and minority votes matter. Nothing else.
  • An artificial intelligence android, robot or computer that does not care about human life or dignity could very easily turn into a sociopath. After all it is not human.
  • The truth exists. Mankind may not always find the truth but it does exist because God knows about it.
  • I don’t care if illegal immigrants (or for that matter legal immigrants) love Americans or not. I just want them to be peaceful and law abiding. If they love the Constitution even better.
  • If a dictator wanted to oppress a country he would legalize marijuana. Not only legalize it but encourage it and possibly even supply it. Why? Because marijuana dulls the mind and a person doesn’t know if he/she is being oppressed. I wonder if that’s why the Left wants it legalized? Hmm.

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