Monday, August 07, 2017

India's Gruesome New Welfare Trend

From (July 12):

The welfare state is bad news for both taxpayers and recipients.
Pervasive handouts also are a mistake because they create incentives for very bad behavior.
And I’m not just talking about the incentive not to work. Welfare enables and encourages utterly horrifying examples of misbehavior.
But there’s a new example that probably would win the prize if there was a contest for the most sickening behavior enabled by governments giveaways.
People in India apparently are feeding their older relatives to tigers is order to get cash payments from the government.
Imagine the conversation around the dinner table. “Good news, Granny, we’ve arranged an overnight trip for you to the nature preserve.”
It’s even more chilling if the old people are actually willing participants. “Son, make sure to make the scene look realistic after you move my body out of the preserve.”  [read more]
This is what happens when citizens become addicted to their gov’t’s handouts.

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