Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Six Personality Traits That All Successful Entrepreneurs Share

By Euwyn Poon on Forbes.com (May 10):

Here’s what I’ve noticed while collaborating with entrepreneurs at Y Combinator and working on several startups:

1. Curiosity

Technology develops at different rates and in different ways around the world. Curiosity about those differences is an important attribute for any entrepreneur.


2. A Sense of Impatience

Entrepreneurs need impatience in order to recognize inefficiencies and capitalize on them.

People often think of impatience as an unsavory personality trait. But it can actually be very beneficial for an entrepreneur who’s trying to create a product that solves an inefficient situation.


3. Sociability

It’s important for any entrepreneur to have a good network of like-minded people to engage with and use for support. It helps tremendously to have people around you who are constantly looking for and solving problems.


4. Attention To Basic Human Needs

The basic necessities of a happy life should always be on an entrepreneurs mind. Food, shelter, companionship, entertainment, simplicity—these are all things that people either need or have a strong desire to obtain.

And entrepreneurs have to learn to be perceptive about the problems and inefficiencies around them that relate to human needs.  [read more]

The other two traits are reasoning and flexibility. The lame-stream press used to have curiosity. Not anymore. That’s what happens when you are agenda-driven not truth-driven.

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