From The Western (Dec. 16):
Legislation nearing passage in the Senate will reverse decades of progress in reducing crime.
Originally designed by Republicans to improve conditions in prisons, the bill has been hijacked by Democrats* to slash sentences and release dangerous criminals.
But, because of its earlier incarnation, President Donald Trump, perhaps impelled by advice from his son-in-law Jared Kushner (whose father was in prison), is backing the bill.
He’s mistaken. It’s a bad piece of legislation.
The bill, called the First Step Act, would:
1. Immediately make retroactive Obama’s Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 that reduced crack penalties to the lower levels imposed for cocaine possession. The theory was that blacks used crack and whites used cocaine. But the bill equalized the sentences by lowering the crack penalties. It should have raised the cocaine sentences instead. This change will trigger the almost immediate release of 2,600 federal prison inmates.
2. Give judges the authority to bypass federal sentencing guidelines and impose lower sentences, precisely the kind of judicial discretion that led to the slap-on-the-wrist sentences that caused the crime wave of the 60s and 70s.
3. Dilute the “three strikes and you’re out” sentencing provisions imposing 25-year terms for a third felony conviction.
4. Increase time off sentences for all criminals — violent and otherwise — by one week per year served, allowing the release of 4,000 inmates the day the law takes effect.
The bill is really the “first step” in pursuing the Democrats’ agenda of decriminalizing crime by sharply reducing the number of people in prison. [read more]
*The Left always hi-jacks good legislation and makes it bad.
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