Friday, March 13, 2020

All the Evidence for Ukraine: The Scandal Explained

From Glenn (Oct. 4):

One technique that magicians use for psychological misdirection is called the false solution. The goal is to distract the audience, to make them believe that they know what's really happening. All the while, the machinations of the actual trick are happening right in front of them, because "implanting an unlikely and unfamiliar idea in the mind can prevent participants from finding a more obvious one."

I [Glenn Beck] want to tell you a story of tremendous corruption, masked cleverly, using many of the same techniques that magicians have used for centuries. Only it's not a rabbit disappearing into a hat or a coin vanishing behind an ear. It's billions of dollars. Lost. Gone.

And the people responsible are the same people who have been so monstrously worked up about Trump's impeachment. The same people screaming about Trump's malfeasance with Ukraine are actually the ones misbehaving in Ukraine.

It's essentially an elevated, highly organized form of projection. Only instead of one person lashing out at the world, it's an entire political party, right up to the top. The very top. Barack Obama. It's right there on video.

Or how about the audio recording we uncovered, with Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine, openly admitting a connection between the DNC and Ukraine?

So far, the story told by the Democrats and the media has been about Trump and Ukraine. Every so often, you hear mention of Joe Biden's dubious history with the war-torn country.


Extract of Letter from Senator Chuck Grassley to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein:

According to news reports, during the 2016 presidential election, “Ukrainian government
officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump” and did so by “disseminat[ing]
documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the
matter…”1 Ukrainian officials also reportedly “helped Clinton’s allies research damaging
information on Trump and his advisers.”2 At the center of this plan was Alexandra Chalupa,
described by reports as a Ukrainian-American operative “who was consulting for the Democratic
National Committee” and reportedly met with Ukrainian officials during the presidential election for the express purpose of exposing alleged ties between then-candidate Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, and Russia.3

Extract of State Department report on Clinton emails:

It was APD's [Program Application Division] determination that the use of a private email system to conduct official business added an increased degree of risk of compromise as a private system lacks the network monitoring and intrusion detection capabilities of State Department networks. While the use of a private email system itself did not necessarily increase the likelihood of classified information being transmitted on unclassified systems, those incidents which then resulted in the presence of classified information upon it carried an increased risk of compromise or inadvertent disclosure.

Extract from Victor Shokin (former General Prosecutor of the Republic of Ukraine) statement:

Therefore, it is clear to me that certain US officials from President Obama's administration, in particular the US Vice-President Joe Biden, directly manipulated the leadership of Ukraine on false pretexts, in order to prevent DF [Dimitry Firtash] from returning to Ukraine, as they were about him  re-establishing public life there. [read more]

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