Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Politico: Rudy Giuliani Banned by Fox News

From News (Sept. 24):

Rudy Giuliani has been banned from appearing on Fox News for several months, and only learned of the "from the top" order on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Son Andrew Giuliani, a New York gubernatorial candidate, has also been banned.

And former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, a close adviser to Giuliani, is rarely booked on Fox News, Politico Playbook reports.

Rudy Giuliani and Kerik were prominent New York City leaders on 9/11 as mayor and NYPD commissioner.

"They're not doing us any favors," a Trump aide told Politico.

The rejection on hosting the Giulianis "comes from the top," sources told Politico. [read more]

Not sure what’s going on with Fox News lately. Not only Rudy Giuliani was banned so was his son, Andrew. It almost sounds like a family vendetta. Both men appear on News Max TV. Dick Morris was banned from Fox News a long time ago because he got first Obama presidential election wrong. Now he's got his own show on the television network News Max.

Another article on the ban:

Rudy Giuliani to Newsmax: Fox Ban Came as Post Article Was Shown Accurate

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