Thursday, April 28, 2022

FBI report shows 41% increase in hate crimes with anti-white bias

From Washington (Oct. 28, 2021):

Joseph Messina woke up one February morning to find an anti-white racial slur spray-painted on his house in South Philadelphia. It also included threats and the word “die.” It is believed the incident stemmed from bullying incidents at the 12-year-old’s school. This is an example of a phenomenon that has had a significant increase recently but does not get widespread media scrutiny: hate crimes with an anti-white bias. Earlier this week, the FBI released its hate crime report for 2020, and it showed a nearly 41% increase in hate crimes with an anti-white bias from 2019. Good luck finding any media outlet reporting this.

“To write the word 'die,' that's really ... taking it far. It wasn't just a racial comment. It was 'die,'” Messina said.

A slur and a threat to a child’s life would be national news if the aggressor were white and the victim black. But this incident received no attention. Something as significant as a year-over-year 41% increase in hate crimes against a racial group would draw national outrage had the victims been any race other than white. But it would be a little bit tricky for the media to explain how their own promotion of racial resentment is generating hate.

According to the data in the FBI Crime Data Explorer , in 2019, there were 761 total incidents of hate crimes with an anti-white bias. In 2020, this number jumped to 1,072. Additionally, this included a 22% increase in “simple assaults” with an anti-white bias. It also included a 34% increase in “aggravated assaults” with an anti-white bias. The offense with the biggest increase was “intimidation” with an anti-white bias, which saw a 54% increase between 2019 and 2020.

Most media reports announced that the FBI hate crime report revealed a dramatic increase in overall hate crimes from 2019 to 2020. And when detailing this, most of the attention was given to the increase in hate crimes against black people and Asian Americans. These are all true and equally horrifying and deserve attention. But so should the crimes with an anti-white bias.

As a country, we should be striving to have the total amount of hate crimes be zero. Any crime committed against anyone because of their race is unquestionably disgusting and horrific and should not be tolerated. However, the entire story should be told, not just the hate crimes that fit the agenda of liberals and Democrats. Any media scrutiny on the FBI’s hate crime report must include the statistics showing the 41% increase in anti-white hate crimes. [read more]

Another hate crime that the lame-stream-press doesn’t care about:

Christianity: The #1 Recipient of Hate Crimes

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