Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Saving the Rainforests Will Not Stop Global Warming: Here's Why

From American Thinker.com (Nov. 8, 2021):

Saving the rainforests will not stop global warming -- and here’s why

Apparently, at COP26, world leaders agreed to a deal to end deforestation of rainforests, ostensibly to stop global warming.

This deal relies on implicit arguments that are nonsensical.  What’s happening to the rainforests is a classic example of how the official narrative ignores logic and reality.

The deforestation of the world's remaining large-scale forested areas (mostly in under-developed poor countries with few exploitable natural resources) is a big issue for conservationists.  And they are right to be concerned.  The rainforests are an under-researched reservoir of biological diversity.

So any international agreement to protect rainforests has got to be worthwhile -- but only if the net effect is beneficial. 

But it's far from clear that the deal currently being touted at COP26 is actually a good thing at all, either for the countries involved or the planet's ecosystem, still less as a way of stopping global warming.  If it works the same way as other 'climate change' 'green' initiatives then all that will happen is that big corporations will receive massive government subsidies and/or lucrative contracts to stop what they are currently doing (cutting down rain-forests for logging and then planting palm-oil trees and/or soybeans) and instead do something else equally damaging but even more profitable.

An existing example of a ‘green’ initiative that fails to be ‘green’ is the industry currently cutting down entire forests in North America to produce raw wood chips which are then transported across vast distances to burn in electricity-generating plants.

But the enormous consumption of fossil fuels to power the entire process means it isn't 'green' at all.  It doesn’t benefit anyone other than the big corporations making huge profits from it, and also the politicians who curry favor by handing out the massive government subsidies paid for by hiking taxes.  In other words, it's a massive con-trick. [read more]

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