Monday, February 13, 2023

Jordan Peterson announces World Economic Forum alternative

From Just the (Jan. 29):

Dr. Jordan Peterson announced that he has set up an international consortium with the goal of creating an alternative to the "apocalyptic narrative" espoused at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

About 2,000 people will be invited to the consortium meeting in London in late October through early November, Peterson told podcaster Joe Rogan in an interview aired Saturday.

He said the meeting will present an "alternative to that kind of apocalyptic narrative that's being put forward at least implicitly by organizations like the WEF."

The consortium will focus on how to "get energy and resources at the lowest possible cost as rapidly as possible to the largest number of people around the world" and how to encourage "long-term monogamous couples who are child-centered and to make increasing the birth rate part of that policy," among other things. [source]

Not a bad idea. Then again just about any consortium would be better than the WEC new world order joke.

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