Friday, July 07, 2023

Excerpts from the book The Deeper State Part 2

According to a blog by, the “Church of Progressivism” is a real religious ideology for the globalists elite. It is replete with all the trappings of traditional religion: …a holy mission (social ‘justice’ and climate change), prophets (like Marx [as well as Hegel and Wilson]), saints (like FDR, JFK, LBJ, Gore [Kissinger and Rockefeller]), martyrs (the Rosenbergs…), scripture (the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, NPR), original sin (our past prosperity and exceptionalism), a messiah (Obama [and/or Clinton]) and a self-righteous worldview that discounts from consideration all counter theories and reviles those who question the complete moral authority of their ecclesiastical body (the Democratic Party)…and that’s just the denomination that operates in the United States…the most delusional of the “ultra-orthodox” zealots have been in control of Western Europe since the 60s and Eastern Europe since 1917.


Consider five areas in which the globalists elite seek to control the world’s economy in order to create wealth for themselves, not to improve the lives of the masses. After all, as elite-owned, giant, multinational corporations acquire more economic power, they exercise significant control over our lives. They acquire that power through control of these five areas.

Economic Control #1: Big Banks and International Finance.

Wall Street tycoons and international financers lead the charge for globalism by promoting the one-world consumer culture. They push governments to embrace consumer-friendly trade agreements and franchises such as the European Union, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).


Economic Control #2: Trade and Business. The progressive elite use multinational corporations to seek control over trade and business, which explains their lust for control of every key strategic resource—oil, water, and food—in order to dominate society.

They use their deep pockets to establish resource dominance, which leads to dependent societies. To accomplish this goal, they must eliminate national boundaries and create super-states such as the European Union. These super-state arrangements, so-called free trade agreements like TPP and NAFTA, allow mega corporations power and control of the masses while maximizing profits.


Economic Control #3: Health and Medicine. Health and medicine is a big issue for everyone. However, for the globalists elite, health and medical interests tend to be about extending their own lives, reducing costs to increase their corporate profits, and controlling the world’s population.

Some globalists elite really do want to reduce the world’s population. Globalists elite like CNN’s Ted Turner suggest this planet can only sustain a population of less than one billion people out of the current 7.5 billion. Therefore, under the iron fist of a globalist-elite world government, there will be draconian measures to reduce earth’s population to a sustainable level.


Economic Control #4: Science and Technology

Technology is a craven force when left in the hands of globalists and progressives to create more efficient consumerist economies. It ravages everything in its wake—government, family, faith, freedom, and life. The modern technological society as guided by globalists welcomes whatever facilitates the consumerist economy, such as immigration and multiculturalism, because those forces facilitate greater efficiency and, by association, capital growth. After all, the flow of immigrants in industrialized countries tends to lower wages while replacing the native population, and at the same time creates new cohort of consumers.


Economic Control #5: Energy. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. —Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991

The globalists elite have harnessed “global warming” as an ally to wrestle more control over the world’s economy. They intend to promote global warming, which has become the modern bogeyman, giving the globalists an opening to promote a worldwide system of taxation and control.

Source: The Deeper State: Inside the War on Trump by Corrupt Elites, Secret Societies, and the Builders of an Imminent Final Empire (2017) by Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis.

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