Thursday, March 07, 2024

Dan Bongino uncovers more mystery surrounding the J6 “attempted assassination” of Kamala Harris…

From (Jan. 25):

Did you hear about the assassination attempt on the first female Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris? It all went down on the evening of January 5th, involving the so-called “pipe bomber,” who was targeting her with an explosive device placed at the DNC headquarters in Washington, DC. Surprisingly, this didn’t make major news. It’s curious, right? An assassination attempt on the VP would normally dominate the headlines, yet it didn’t this time. The reasons remain unclear but somehow feel blatantly obvious. There wasn’t even a single “breaking news” alert from the regime-controlled propaganda media. So, what gives? It’s almost as if the media and officials are covering up the fact that Kamala was nearly assassinated. After all, we know Kamala herself covered up the fact that she was at the DNC in the first place. Why?

Kudos to Darren Beattie from Revolver for diving deep into this so-called “assassination coverup.” He just dropped a knockout piece on the “pipe bomber” that blasts away the FBI and media’s narrative—and yes, that pun’s intended. Revolver’s piece is making huge waves online.


The most obvious question is what could possibly account for the casual, lackadaisical, utterly unperturbed demeanor and behavior of the Secret Service and Metro PD officers in question upon being informed of an explosive device right outside the building in which their protectee is housed, and, for that matter, within feet of the agents themselves. To emphasize the seriousness with which the government takes pipe bombs as potential terror devices, it is worth noting that the government officially considers pipe bombs “weapons of mass destruction.”

It is hard to imagine what conditions could account for such a casual, unconcerned reaction on the part of the Secret Service. As pointed out above, even if they are the worst protection detail in the world, willing to completely abandon protocol when apprised of a weapon of mass destruction dangerously close to their protectee, you’d think they’d at least be concerned for their own personal safety. This complete lack of concern indicates that these agents somehow knew or were utterly confident that the bomb was inert and posed no threat, but how could they possibly know that? How could the secret service and metro PD officers be so confident that the pipe bomb wouldn’t pose a danger to themselves, to their protectee, VP elect Kamala Harris, and to the children they cavalierly allowed to walk within feet of the explosive device, and yet somehow the bomb was considered dangerous enough to require a bomb-safe robot to “defuse” only minutes later? Troubling and damning questions indeed.

When we discussed the Capitol Police video depicting the discovery of the pipe bomb, we observed the bizarre fact that the Secret Service agents seemed entirely unconcerned with the revelation that there was a pipe bomb within feet of themselves and their protectee, who was inside the DNC building (not to mention the children they allowed to walk within feet of the bomb). Perhaps equally bizarre as the fact that the Secret Service was unconcerned with the bomb when informed of it is the fact that the Secret Service hadn’t discovered the bomb already in their sweep of the building before Kamala Harris’ entry.

[read more]

Yea, a lot of strange occurrences in the video. Like why were the area of the "pipe bomb" not cordoned off by the Capitol Police? More questions than answers.

More on the subject:

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