Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Archbishop Vigano's letter to Donald Trump

From Glenn Beck.com:

Archbishop Vigano sent a letter to President Trump warning of the 'Deep State' both within government as well the Church. Read the entire letter below:


Sunday, October 25, 2020  Solemnity of Christ the King 


Mister President,

Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole  world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I  write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former  Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the  midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept  these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23). 

As I said when I wrote my letter to you in June, this historical moment  sees the forces of Evil aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that appear powerful and organized as they oppose the  children of Light, who are disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders. 

Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to destroy  the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of  country, freedom of education and business. We see heads of nations and  religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as  instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny. 

A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and  financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who  are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.

[read more]

The Archbishop pretty much nailed the Great Reset.

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