Tuesday, November 28, 2006

America as a Special Target

For those of you who still cannot comprehend why the jihadists attacked America on 9/11 and why they hate America and its allies please read the five reasons below:

  1. America represents those whom the Quran calls "People of The Book"--Jews and Christians.
  2. America supports Israel.
  3. America is the source of all that Muslims consider to be evil--pornography, alcohol, homosexual rights, evil music, evil fashion and evil culture.
  4. America supports Christianity all over the world. More Christian missionaries come from the U.S. than any other country.
  5. America is a government "of the people, by the people and for the people, " which makes it a heathen government in Muslim thinking because Allah is to be the head of all gov't.
Most people know about reason 2. Not just America, but other western countries are the source of reason 3. Most western countries drink alcohol. I think the main reason why America and other western countries are hated by Islamofacists is reason 5. Islam is a religion and a gov't combined. Fundamentalist Muslims do not recognize governments and their laws--the Quran is the only authority on such matters and on human behavior altogether. If the Quran says you cannot do such and such then you do not do such and such or else you will be severely punished. Period. Interestingly enough, if the Quran does not say anything about a certain behavior then it is okay. For instance, the Quran does not say anything about sex change surgery. Lawyers would call that a legal loophole. Because of this loophole, Iran allows sex change surgery.

By the way, the five reasons are from a very good book called Islam and Terrorism (2002) by Mark A. Gabriel, Ph. D. He was a former professor of Islamic history.

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