Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 6

  • Courtesy is the glue that holds society together.
  • I think the president should have a system analyst, an economist, and a businessman as part as his advisors.
  • Bottom-up taxation. Only taxes allowed: Sales, property and city income. The city collects its taxes first, whatever is left goes to the county. Whatever is left from the county's expenses goes to the state. After the state expenses whatever is left goes to the federal government.
  • The Law of Run-Time Bugs: The number of bugs a program has is inversely proportional to how awake the programmer is. The more awake the programmer is the less buggy the program will be.
  • Celebrities are glorified court jesters.
  • Be weary of news organizations that have an agenda.
  • I think it is interesting the same groups of people who adore the U.N. don't want President Bush to have multilateral talks with North Korea. Both gets the world community involved, so what's the difference?
  • Those Americans who don't want America to win the war in Iraq are unpatriotic. I want the U.S. to win all the wars it fights. Period. Saying you don't want the U.S. to win the war is like rooting for team A when you claim you are a fan of team B during a ball game.
  • Any heterosexual man in a romantic relationship who is for gay marriage would have to be for polyandry (a wife having more than one husband), because if you open the door for gay marriage you open the door for other types of marriages like polyandry, polygamy, group marriage, a woman marrying a dolphin, etc. I don't think any heterosexual man would want to share their partner with other men.
  • I think it is good business for businesses to stay out of controversial issues. If they support a controversial issue they might lose a lot of current customers and potential customers.

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