Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Health Care as a Right

Sen. Harry Reid believes (and other Liberals believe) that health care is a right. Then under socialized health care I should be able to sue the gov't if I feel I don't get good service under that plan. Correct? I mean no service even the gov't can take that right away and interfere with my right to health care.

I believe that health care is not a right. It's not in the Constitution and not even in the Declaration of Independence. Americans have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They also have the Bill of Rights.

What socialized medicine (ObamaCare) does do is interfere with your right to liberty. You don't have the choice to pay the doctor out your own pocket. You have to choose an insurance company or go with the gov't plan. Or you go to jail. Your right to life and pursuit of happiness will probably be interfered with too especially if you have to wait in line months at a time for medical service.

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